
Wednesday, 27 August 2008

.you can help nienie too.

Avid blog readers may have heard about this tragedy already. I won't go into too much detail as you can read about it yourself via her sister's blog and many other blogs posting about this.

Last week this beautiful young couple, Stephanie and Christian Nielson were involved in a small aircraft accident and left seriously injured. Stephanie has burns to 80% of her body and is in an induced coma and is expected to take months to recover, while Christian has burns to 30% of his body and will be in hospital for weeks.

Stephanie writes a very fun, popular blog The Nie Nie Dialogues and is a wonderful example of a woman striving for perfection in motherhood and as a wife, she is also a brilliant ambassador for our church and shares our beliefs with the thousands of readers of her blog worldwide.
The story is the cause of my staying up way too late last night and not getting much done today as I have been caught up reading the archives of her blog and feeling so sad for her sweet little children and thinking of the rough road that they have facing them as their parents recover from the accident.

I am so happy that I can do something to help though, something small, but at least I feel as though I can contribute and hopefully my small donation will help get them through some of the rocky road ahead.

Lots of bloggers are setting up silent auctions from their blogs to help raise money for the family which will be used to cover medical expenses and keep their household afloat until they are well enough to carry on with life - it is expected that their medical bills will be in the millions. You can read more about how to set up an auction from your blog here.

One of my favourite blogs is setting up a charity etsy store to help raise money for their family. I am going to be donating some of my patterns to the store and know that many of my blog readers are crafty critters or may have something else they can donate to this worthy cause. Read more about how to become involved with the etsy store here. Or if you don't have anything to donate you can always shop!


  1. oh that breaks my heart. I have spent ages looking and I am so sad....

  2. Hi, Toni! I wanted to say hi and thank you for supporting my little auction with your bid this morning. I will be stopping by your auction/etsy, too, and hope you get a strong showing.
    best to you,
