
Tuesday, 10 March 2009

.Sprucing it up.

I've been having a bit of a tidy up and update with all things Make It Perfect related ready for an exciting change to take place very soon...more about that as the time draws near.

For now, here's a look at the new cover photos for Bloom and Bambino, courtesy of Eden Lane Photography.
Sorry about the quietness of the blog lately...I have a HUGE long list of "things to blog about when the camera comes back" - its just not the same without an accompanying photo! I'll try to be more creative in the meantime because no one likes a boring blog :)


  1. Hey Toni, your blog is cool as =)
    Guess wat i have a blog too, take a look =)
    You never replied to my message the other day hahaha
    Love Makayla =) xoxoxo

  2. Hey...haaa I thought that looked like my neice !!! Good Ol Layne baby!
