
Tuesday, 26 May 2009

.on labour, flu and baby preparedness.

Why do things like a bad dose of the flu always come at the most inopportune times?

Jaron and I have both been struck with a nasty case of the flu. He got it mid-last week and is just starting to recover now. Poor thing didn't take any time off work becuase he is saving his days off for when I have the baby. At least he can ease it a bit with medicine. I started feeling yucky on Saturday morning and by Saturday night I was really feeling bad. For some reason, Oscar and Lil both decided they would wake up multiple times during the night, so it seemed like I was up every hour either settling them, going to the toilet or being awake feeling sick. (All in good preparation for sleepless nights with a newborn, I'm sure!)

And then I started to worry about going into labour. My first two labours have been really positive experiences. I won't go into details and can't even really explain how I feel about them, but I actually really enjoy (perhaps not the right word?) labour. Yes, it hurts bad and I think I am going to die, but there is something exhillirating and liberating about it. I want this one to be the same, positive experience and since I have been sick have been really stressed out about having a horrible labour, going into it feeling awful already and having no energy.

Little baby, feel free to hang around in there for another week or two. I'm happy to be uncomfortable pregnant-wise to give myself a bit of recovery time and feel back up to it again! Today is much better, the kids slept last night and the razor sore throat has almost gone. Still all sinusey and have sore ears and head, but I can feel it getting better.

I haven't sewed anything new for this baby yet and I am itching to make some stuff for it. The hard thing is not knowing if I am having a boy or a girl. This is the first time we haven't found out and it is killing me! So, last week I made this really simple, minkee-backed blanket. There are so many beautiful fabrics around that I just don't want to cut into to turn into a pieced quilt, so I opted for keeping the fabric on the front of the quilt whole (aren't those grumpy owls adorable?!) and backing with a plain white minkee, then sewing on a thick binding out of left-over fabric from another project. Jaron thinks it is girly-looking, I was more inclined to think it was boy-friendly, so I guess that makes it gender-neutral!!
I'm looking forward to sewing up a few more of these, hopefully this week. They are thin enough to wrap the baby in, but still warm and cosy.

I think I'm going to have to sew up quite a few more because this little miss keeps stealing it to cuddle her "buba" in. She is so into babies at the moment and wants to hold real ones when ever we see them. Hopefully her enthusiasm doesn't turn to jealousy when a real-life baby enters our house!


  1. That blanket is adorable. I love that fabric, its my fav at the mo. I've got it in white. Little Lil will love love the baby. My 2 little ones loved dolls too and now they absolutely dote on Holly even after 7 months. Its ever so cute. There has never been an ounce of jealousy. Just tricky when they are upset, want a cuddle and you are feeding.
    Good luck with your feelings on labour, they say it gets easier each time? Just focus on the excitement of getting your new baby! but all the same we cant help but worry, its only natural!!

  2. I am hoping you have a girl just so you can dress her in all those beautiful clothes that I see Lil in. It would be good if you got the flu out of the way now before the baby comes so you will be fighting fit all throughout winter while the rest of us moan and groan. Aaah labour - what can i say - we all have a bit of a panic beforehand but when it happens I know you will be AWESOME!!

  3. You poor thing. Hopefully no baby while you feel like this. My midwife assured me that our bodies won't go into labour while we are sick...just another one of those miracles of life! Here's hoping she is right for your sake. Best wishes for your recovery.

  4. I totally know what you mean about labour being a good thing. It's character strengthening. It's a HARD thing and we do it anyway. I loved my last labour - really! So much to go through but I did it and wasn't scared.
    Other women I have spoken to that have been sick and have gone into labour have described how the sickness has just disappeared suddenly and they have gone through labour without a worry. Hope you do too - whenever little Sparkles arrives.
    x H
    PS can you get back onto the blog?

  5. Oh I didn't realise that you hadn't found out what you are having this time!!! So exciting. I have done it both ways and it's fun having the surprise at the end and asking what it is (or seeing!).

  6. Love the blanket, very unisex I think.
    We all had terrible colds, chest infections, ear infections about a month before #4 was due. I had come 2 weeks early with all the other and I freaked out! She came 3 days over, we were all fit and well. I think our bodies and babies know when the time is right. Trust yourself.
    I too love giving birth (weirdo I am)! Never had drugs, intervention, or a dr. with 3 of them. I even had the last one at home :)
    Best of luck and relax xox

  7. Oh I hope you get better before the little one decides to make his/her entrance into the world. I had a horrid cough with my last labour and it was dreadful...coughing during a contraction is not fun. I share your opinion of labour being an empowering experience. "Pain with a purpose" -I've been told :)

  8. oh yucko Tone, hope you feel all full of energy soon xox

  9. hope you are all feeling much better soon Toni...i keep checking to see if that little baby has arrived yet...good thing Lil is in her Mothering Mode...yes lets hope it stays that way..but i am sure it will....she will be a great help to you fetching and carrying for the baby.

  10. i hope you are feeling better now.
