
Thursday, 14 April 2011

.No so rosy.

Do you ever sew on a sewing table like this?
 Embarrassingly, sometimes I do.
You do too, right?

It's easy to make things look rosy on a blog but here's a bit of reality for your Thursday morning!  The sewing table always ends up being the dumping ground for all of my crafting endeavors...time for a clean up, I think!  (At least the kitchen bench is clean today!!)


  1. I wish I had a sewing area to mess up. I sew on the dining table so it's such a pain having to drag both machines out and put them away each time!

  2. Looks pretty tidy to me. Mine is a constant mess.

  3. Lol! So relate to that. I have a cupboard in our back bedroom that requires packing and unpacking to get things out of. Needless to say when you are in a hurry things get piled on the floor in the room instead. Occasionally I will have to dress in a safari suit and plan a trek to get to the cupboard there is so much stuff!

  4. Mine always looks that way, unfortunately. But it is much smaller than yours! BTW, where did you get that table?? It is exactly what I have been looking for...

  5. My sewing table is a disaster area at the moment.
    Funny how your mess looks creative and fun to me.

  6. Identical to my craft room and table. The only time it's clean, is when I actually get around to putting everything away about once a month and then as soon as I sit at the table again, it's all over. This is why I still haven't done the "after" shots of my new craft room set up. cause it's a mess...

  7. Yours isn't bad at all you should see mine !

  8. You mean people have tables that don't look like that??? :)
    At least your projects are all fun and brightly colored.

  9. yes, I have to move stuff around all the time whilst I sew, and things keep falling off... Maybe I might give that area a bit of a clean up today before I start yet ANOTHER project.

  10. LOVE it!!! And I like the comment your kitchen bench is tidy - My husband has said to me I just about have "craft stuff" in every room!!! Nice to know I am not the only one!!!

  11. And why should you be any different to the rest of Mine's a constant mess!

  12. I love the material on the chair!! I am about to recover my kitchen stools and was looking for some sort of laminated cotton like that, any suggestions???

  13. Love it!! What with all the bibs?? Your sewing up a storm! How are you?? I met your LOVELY sister yesterday. She came up to the beach with Lisa and we had a nice time.. Bit quick though, i would have loved to chat for ages!! xx Made me miss you!! xx

  14. My sewing table looks like that all the time! Well, different projects, maybe, but there's usually a sewing machine, a cutting board, an iron and tabletop ironing board, cutters, scissors, pins, a laptop, and a diet coke on mine!

  15. i cant wait for my sewing area in the new house.. my own space ....i can mess up up...leave it...go back to it when i want to...bliss...bliss...bliss.. (can you tell i am anxious to set up???)

  16. haha, my table always looks something like that. Except today. I cleaned everything off and emptied out my work in progress bin. It feels so good! Except now I'm relaxing and not sewing!!

  17. My sewing table looks like a bomb went off...your looks very tame in comparison :)

  18. Umm, most of the time. I have so much 'stuff/projects' on the sewing table that I can't even fit the sewing machine and overlocker on there at the same time, lol

  19. Yes my table/life looks like this a lot... but look at your floor! How is your floor so clean!

  20. Seriously, my sewing table is about 20 times more crowded than that - and I also tend to have piles of stuff all over the floor too!! You have such a sunny spot to sew in - lovely!

  21. No, mine doesn't look like that.... it's MUCH worse!!! Linda :)

  22. It's funny, I was just thinking this very thing when I posted on my blog just now!

  23. Hmm, my mess has spread to the floor as well - definitely time for a cleanup. I love those giraffes by the way.

  24. Does anyone sew on a neat table? I think a bit of mess, with all the little sewing goodies, is just part of the joy of creating something lovely out of the chaos.

  25. Welcome to the club!:)) My table look like this almost always, when I'm sewing or making albums. Or worse... :))

    Mytsi Wabrik

  26. That is tidy compared to my space...I keep saying that is what school holidays are for...hmmm we'll see.

  27. I( can't, don't sew!!!
    Love Auntie Lorraine.

  28. My sewing room is NEVER tidy until I finish a project (and even then it isn't clean for long)

  29. Oh wow that's tidy compared to here! I am trying to sew (while not reading blogs) while my 2 girls are colouring and sticking on the same table and NEVER tidy their stuff away. Luckily we have an extending dining table...

  30. Yes, my sewing table often looks like that! When I'm in the middle of a project, I don't want to be bothered to stop and clean up! That can wait until I'm done! ;)

  31. My actual sewing table is lovely and clear. But only because it's tiny (and has to hold a serger and sewing machine despite the tininess), and because right next to it is my cutting table, which 9 days out of 10 is piled high with WIPs, fabric scraps and pattern pieces :)

  32. That looks pretty neat and tidy to me for a sewing table!!

  33. Mine has stuff all over it too. I see pictures on blogs of tidy sewing tables and think "goodness are there people out there who REALLY have tidy sewing spaces???" lol.

  34. Just wondering where you purchase your Ottobre Mags from, am looking for a good and reasonable price supplier.
