
Monday 13 June 2011

.Turning Two.

Our baby is quickly growing up.  Two years old last week.  We celebrated with some friends coming over for dinner and pinwheel cupcakes.
I'm the clever Mum who keeps birthdays as low-key as possible until the children are old enough to work out for themselves that birthdays mean parties and presents!  Tommy was beside himself with excitement when it came to a whole plate full of chocolate cupcakes! 

P.S.  What do you guys do for birthday presents when the birthday boy/girl has an older brother AND sister and you are at a loss for ideas?  Poor old Tommy lucked out in the present department from Mum and Dad this year...not that he noticed this time around, but I have a feeling it is going to get harder and harder every year.


  1. Love the pinwheel idea! :D I can't believe Tommy is 2!! That's crazy!!

  2. Saw some of those pinwheel sticks the other day at the dollar tree.. I guess i don't have to send some, cause you made some!!
    Happy Birthday Tommy!!

  3. Happy birthday Tommy! Love the pinwheels! I have no ideas in the present department. We actually haven't done much for birthdays yet. My daughter turned two at the end of April and she got a shopping cart with the rewards points we got from her diapers.

  4. We did an experience gift...zoo pass this year.

  5. P.S. What do you guys do for birthday presents when the birthday boy/girl has an older brother AND sister and you are at a loss for ideas? Poor old Tommy lucked out in the present department from Mum and Dad this year...not that he noticed this time around, but I have a feeling it is going to get harder and harder every year.

    I'm in the same situation - we've had Hawaiian, Cowboys, Fair Games, Spa Party, Craft Fair, etc., etc. I'm out of ideas!

    Thankfully, I've got another year (when she turns 3) to figure out what to do! It helps, though, that the oldest no longer wants a party - just a trip to the mall with friends!

  6. Pin wheels - Love them, my sons 3rd birthday is in 2 weeks, I'm definately going to make some of them. What a great idea. Oh and thanks again for the giveaway! yippee!

  7. I can't believe he's two Toni!!! Not little Tommy!! Happy Birthday to him :)
    Linda xxx

  8. My youngest turned one over the weekend. She didn't really NEED toys since we have heaps (and which I am culling) BUT I still got her a special toy and a small spinning top, some hair clips, a book and I made her an Ooshka Babushka and a Little Betty bonnet (great pattern BTW). We didn't have a party either since my family is huge, it's the first time and I feel a bit guilty since the older two have had much fanfare. I'm just worn out from it all. We had cake and sang happy birthday on her day. I think presents and a cake are essential. The older kids understand so I think it's important for them to feel like they are treated equally. We are having a big family get together for my brother in law this weekend so we'll have a cake for her and a couple of her cousins who are having birthdays this week. She'll get tonnes of presents from family, possibly some nice clothes though.

  9. We are the same with Kobe. He usually ends up with lovely new books or we just add to the collection of 'good' toys that the boys started when they were little - duplo, Thomas the Tank engine set etc. He LOVES it now as he has a huge train set that is extra special and he gets new pieces for it on birthdays and Christmas.

  10. Happy birthday Tommy - wow that has gone fast! Our kids all have their own tubs of lego, barbies etc so they have their own toys as well as the shared ones. I hope it will make it easier when they have their own families and there won't be any arguments. I find as the kids get older they want more specific presents that are very much their own.

  11. Those pinwheels are just adorable!

  12. Happy birthday tommy boy!!!!! We love you!!!

  13. Can't believe he's two already! Happy birthday Tommy!

  14. Love this! I featured you today at

    :) Cristan
