
Wednesday 20 July 2011

.Feeling Grumpy.

Hi Guys!  

That's me, Tommy in the bath and I'm feeling grumpy.  Actually, I've been grumpy for about 5 days now.  It sucks, but I'm getting a lot of attention.  Mum and Dad think I've got a split personality now because they used to call me "super happy boy" and now they are calling me "grumpy bum".  Whatev'.

Anyways, we are all allowed to have a grumpy day (or 5) every now and then.  At the moment, I'm really just happy if Mum is holding me.  And it's much better if we are sitting still, like on the couch and watching ABC Kids or the Wiggles or something entertaining.  A little bit of rocking and singing doesn't go astray too.  It really annoys me when Mum wants to get up and do something, like put the washing on the line or answer the phone or go to the loo.  Seriously, she can hold on, right?!
Truth be told, I have been a bit sick, and that makes me miserable.  First off I had a fever for about 3 days and didn't know if I was hot or cold or if I wanted people to touch me or not (and can you believe that my parents took me to the snow in that condition?!)  And now I have a runny nose and a cough and I am just over it.  Mum says she is over it too, but, hello?...she's not the sick one here!   All she wants to do is clean the house and answer emails and sit at the sewing machine.  But she will have to wait because that's her job.
Mum wanted me to tell you that if you are waiting on an email or phone call or something else from her, then you'll just have to be patient and wait a bit longer because I'm clingy and not letting her out of my sight.
Thanks for listening, it feels good to get it all out!  
Tommy Ross :)


  1. Bless that beautiful boy and bless you! It will soon pass and you will be back to your normal routine. In the meantime, enjoy the cuddles. They are the best medicine for a sick baby!

  2. Can you hear me laughing from here?
    Love Auntie Lorraine.

  3. Awwww poor baby and poor Mum. Hope he feels better really soon.

  4. Aw :( Nevie had her first non-clingy day in almost a week today. She doesn't rate gastro!! So good when they finally get better but takes a lot of patience! Did lots of knitting which kept me in one spot and lap readily available :) Linda x

  5. Awww, poor Tommy and poor Mummy! Hope he feels better soon.

  6. oh poor little monkey! i hope he gets better soon!

  7. Poor little guy!! I understand him perfectly. My kids were the same. Hope you get better very soon!
    Paty Z (Mexico)

  8. So I'm just a SAHM who follows you blog! BUT...I'm still a mommy to a happy happy boy! The one time he wasn't so happy its because he had an ear infection. Unsolicited diagnosis coming on...get him checked out if you haven't! That unsolicited diagnosis brought back our sanity! LOL!

  9. ooh! Poor wee Tommy. It's horrible when little boys are sad and poorly. Hope you're feeling better soon but in the meantime, get in as much cuddling as you can, it's much better than medicine.

  10. oh, Tommy hope you're feeling better real soon! xxx

  11. What a poor possum. I hope he feels better and has a BIG sleep today. That always helps a little :)

  12. Poor mummy (and Tommy). Hope you are feeling better soon Tommy - it is really tough for mum to sit still and see all the things that need to be done when she can't move to do them (although it is nice to have a break from all the jobs too).

  13. Oh dear! Poor little tommy. Ha ha. This post is amazing! :D Hope he gets better so you can get more done.

  14. he he, love it... but get better son Tommy!

  15. So, I'm a SAHM who follows your blog. I have a "Tommy Ross" of my very own. Only, his name is Jackson - A.k.a Happy Happy Boy. I feel your pain. I have to second the motion of the previous SAHM who posted about the ear infection. My sweet boy had actually just seen his Dr. When he suddenly "turned". Seems he had a ruptured eardrum! I hate unsolicited diagnosis as much as the next mom, but ears can be tricky culprits :(

  16. i hope he is feeling better very soon so you can get back to all those things that are being left behind at the moment :) xx

  17. Oh poor little man! Fancy his parents draging him to the snow in that condition!!! Hahaha...I'm sure you could do with a few slow down days anyway.
