
Tuesday 14 May 2013

.Super Tote.

I had no intentions to make myself a nappy bag. I've got lots of big bags hanging around that I was planning to use for the baby...until I saw Anna's new Super Tote pattern. And then my plans changed.
Another project added to the list of things to do before baby arrives!! But I couldn't resist, the bag is great - really roomy with four elasticized side pockets inside...
...and my absolute favourite part - the zipper! Nothing worse than having a choc-a-block full nappy bag with no closure at the top and having everything fall to the ground when your bag topples over. Actually, I think the zipper was what sold me!

As with Anna's Sidekick Tote pattern, the Super Tote was simple to put together. Anna has really outdone herself on this one though simplifying lots of steps and features that seem like they should be really tricky to master. 

I'm trying really hard to dig into my ridiculously out of control fabric stash and use up what I've already got at the moment. I was tempted to lash out and purchase some new fabrics for the bag but made myself stick with what I had in the cupboard. I like the fresh combination of colours - especially the purple and aqua together.

So, I'm partly organised...nappy bag made, but still haven't packed the hospital bags! Maybe a good job for today seeing as I'm due in 9 sleeps!? 
Super Tote pattern by Noodlehead
Prints Charming cotton drill from Spotlight
Art Gallery, Urban Mod, Pointelle in Celeste
Alexander Henry, Heath in Metal
Grey/purple-toned cotton drill


  1. Oh Toni - this is beautiful!! Now you've made me want to make one!

  2. Great bag. She makes really nice stuff. All the best for a speedy labour and healthy baby and mum!!! My Woolworths giveaway is still open everyone!!!

  3. Love this bag Toni. The colours are amazing. Goodluck over the next couple of weeks. Look forward to seeing some pictures!

  4. You wear me out Toni, with reading all the things that you have done, now get that hospital bag packed!!!!
    Love Auntie Lorraine.

  5. Great bag and I love the overprint fabric along with those you've chosen to coordinate with it

  6. oh wow Toni!!!!! It's incredible! I would come steal it if you weren't so far away! and 9 sleeps, good thing your bag is all ready. :)

  7. ack! that's gorgeous! beautiful, happy colors! love this pattern.

  8. All the best for a speedy labour and healthy baby and mum!!! My Woolworths giveaway is still open everyone!!! Billig WOW Gold

  9. Fabulous tote! Just love it in the Prints Charming fabric.
