
Sunday 2 June 2013

.Our Harvey.

He arrived! Meet our newest addition to the family - 
Harvey Charles
born Monday 27th May
7 pounds, 12 ounces
50.5cm long 
What a blur this week has been! I can't believe that my little man is 1 week old tomorrow - so sad already that the first week is over (although, I'm happy to have the first week of breastfeeding pain behind me!)

I really didn't think I could match Tommy's labour with one just as good (as far as labour goes...) but little Harvey has topped them all! 

I love a good birth story and like to have them recorded for later on when my memory fails me so here goes...
On Sunday we went to church as usual, I was telling everyone that there wouldn't be a baby until Thursday (my usual 6 days over) and had lots planned to keep me busy for the beginning of the week. I had been feeling hardly any signs of birth - braxton hicks weren't painful and would come and go quickly, I only had one night when I woke up with soreish contractions but they went away after a couple of hours so I really wasn't expecting anything to happen until the end of the week.

That night I felt really tired and went to bed pretty early (unusual for me), my body must have known something was going to happen and was prepping me! I woke up at 3:30am on Monday morning with contractions that were about 10 minutes apart and were quite painful, but didn't get out of bed for them as I was sure they would stop in an hour or so. After about 15 minutes I woke Jaron to tell him what was going on (and to get him to rub my back!) but told him not to wake up too much because it was bound to be a false alarm. 

After another 15 minutes the pain became really intense and I couldn't lie down anymore so went out to the loungeroom where I could walk around a bit more. At 4:30am things really started to change, I was feeling shivery and started shaking and was feeling really spaced out - it was so surreal, like I was in a different place, so I got Jaron up, he called the hospital to see if we should come in (they said to listen to my body and do what I felt like I should do - I was so confused but decided we should probably make a move!) then he called my Mum. 

Mum arrived at 5am and by then I was starting to feel panicky and a really heavy bearing down sensation (I was transitioning but didn't realise it at the time). Jaron and I quicky jumped into the car and drove 15 minutes to the hospital. Half way there I got the urge to start pushing and couldn't resist it - Jaron called the hospital as we were driving and they said to try not to push and hold on until we got there. Ha! It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do!! Thankfully, we made it to the hospital, I was in the middle of a contraction and had my eyes closed but as soon as the car stopped, my door whipped open. I remember thinking to myself, how on earth did Jaron get around to my door so fast? Then when I opened my eyes, I was greeted with a whole entourage of medical staff with a trolley, wheelchair and a bed! Usually I would have been a little embarrassed to be carrying on in front of so many people - let me tell you, it was REALLY hard not to push, I felt like an animal!! But funny how when you're in labour you couldn't care less what anyone sees or hears! 

I was wheeled upstairs into the birthing suite, we got there at 5:15am - had a contraction as I was getting off the wheelchair, another one when I sat on the bed and my waters broke, then in the next contraction I pushed as hard as I could (my strategy for getting babies out fast!) and Harvey was out in one big push! 
The whole experience was so surreal, I can't believe I'm saying this, but another half hour would have been nice because everything was so rushed and intense. But I'm definitley not complaining, it just took a few days for us to get our heads around it all!

He's here now and as cute as can be! These photos were taken when he was about an hour old, he looks so smooshed up and chubby and has really changed already in just 1 week. Harvey is our biggest baby - almost 2 pounds heavier than Tommy was! And half a pound bigger than Oscar and Lil. He is perfect in every way, I'll leave you with a few more "fresh from the womb" photos and will try and pop back with some more from the rest of the week soon!


  1. He is SOOOO beautiful!! Congratulations and God bless you and your family!

  2. He's perfectly lovely. Congratulations to your whole family.
    Hugs :)

  3. Congratulations to you and your family Toni! Harvey is just perfect. Looking forward to seeing more pics of him xx

  4. Precious. Congratulations to you all.

  5. Oh my goodness, what a great birth story, i love it! so pleased to hear that everything went so well if really fast. Congratulations to you all. Such lovely news!


  6. Oh Toni he is perfect! Can't believe how fast it all happened. What a blur! Love the name. I didn't realise their was a Harvey on Thomas the Tank Engine! :-) xxx

  7. Congratulations! He's perfect, and I'm glad you got to the hospital in time! Hope you're getting some rest xo

  8. congratulations, Harvey is so sweet and wow what a birth story!

  9. Congratulations Toni, he's beautiful!

  10. Gorgeous! He'll be the best dressed bub in town :)

  11. Congratulations Toni! He is gorgeous :) And with his size, lucky those suits you've been sewing are on the big side... enjoy x

  12. Congratulations on the birth of dear little Harvey. Well done!!


  13. What a fantastic birth story!!!! How quick was clever of you to just have one big push and your special boy was there. You're a legend girl. He's very cute by the way.
    Cheers, Anita.

  14. Congratulations! What a nice, quick and dare I say easy birth. Well done you.

    Love the name. Its on my list too. I thought you had one picked out from Thomas the Tank Engine though.

  15. Wow!!! Beautiful birth story! Well done holding off pushing! What an amazing experience. He is so adorable. Congrats to you all xxxxx love the Coulls xxxxx

  16. eeeee, Tone, this is so awesome! I hadnt heard at all so it made my Sunday arvo to read this. Well done xx. Bethan was a 5 minute hospital thing too and it could have happened in the car. What a rush! So glad Harvey is here, he is a gorgeous baby xxx

  17. Congrats! He is so precious, I love the swollen fresh baby look! My daughter was born on the 27th of May as well, 4 years ago. Hers was an emergency C-section because she stopped moving, I'd take your birth story over hers any day! I'm so happy for you and your family!

  18. oh he's just perfect! and ONE push?? you're amazing! congratulations, and enjoy these precious early days!!

  19. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby. Great story!! I'm so glad you didn't live 20 minutes away from the hospital. ;)

  20. Wonderful news!!! We are so happy to hear of Harvey's safe arrival into your wonderful family! You are truly blessed....... xox

  21. Wonderful news!!! We are so happy to hear of Harvey's safe arrival into your wonderful family! You are truly blessed....... xox

  22. What a beautiful baby boy, congratulations to you all.


  23. so gorgeous! Congratulations! What an amazing story! He looks adorable! Well done!

  24. Congratulations! He is just beautiful. What a great story!

  25. Such a gorgeous little man. Congratulations and I'm glad that it was quick. Such a wonderful experience when a new baby comes into the family. Love to all Vicki Travers

  26. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. x

  27. Congratulations Toni and family - he's beautiful and I think I can see a resemblance to your other children already :) Great name, too. Welcome, Harvey!

  28. Congratulations! I have been checking your site each day for the announcement, he is just beautiful and so is the name. Congrats again to you and your family.

  29. Congratulations! He is just lovely. We have a Harvey too, so I love his name! Ours is 4 now, and loves that his name is the same as a Thomas character :-)

  30. He's amazing! And go mumma!! Just hold him in please! Job very well done - enjoy! xx

  31. Congratulations!
    It's always a miracle <3

  32. So cute. So cute. Congratulations!

  33. Oh my goodness and congratulations!

  34. He is utterly wonderful. Congratulations.

  35. Congrats Toni, he is so adorable! He certainly made a grand entrance. Hope you are settling in we'll

  36. I love a good fast birth. Congrats. He is gorgeous. God makes some pretty cute babies. I love seeing them fresh out of the womb.

  37. He is absolutely adorable Toni xxx

  38. Yay!! Harvey was my pick for you, he is darling! Looking fair? Perhaps fair like Lil? What a good little boy to his mama - fabulous delivery Toni. So very happy for you all. Here's to smooth transitions and plenty of sleep :) congrats

  39. Congratulations. What a gorgeous wee boy. Your story sounds like the arrival of my second son, mad dash to hospital at 5am and he was born 10 mins after we arrived there! It is a bit of a shock isn't it??
    He will look so sweet in all the lovely suits you have made.

  40. Congratulations!!

  41. Aww, what a cutie!! Congratulations! Sounds like he couldn't wait to be born. Lovely photos and he looks adorable in that beanie. xxx

  42. Oh my goodness, talk about fast labor! I'm glad it worked out happily and he is completely adorable.

  43. Huge congratulations to you all, he's fab!! I also had my little man on 27th, having woken up in labour at430 am. i wasn't quite as efficient as you though, he came at lunch time but still not too bad. A good day for babies ;)

  44. oh what a great birth story!!!!!! I've only been in labour once but I had to laugh about the'carry on' I didn't know who was making all those noises because I've never made them before:) :)

    he is so cute!

  45. Congratulations to you all!! he's absolutely perfect!
