
Saturday, 26 October 2013

.Oscar's Baptism.

Last Sunday Oscar was baptised as a member of our church. It was a really special day and we were so proud of him and of his decision to be baptised now that he has turned 8. He was so excited during the week leading up to his baptism and we made a big deal about it all week, having a special Family Home Evening, having them missionaries over for dinner to talk about it and also having our Home Teachers come and give a message about baptism.
We wanted him to have a lot to do with the day and he decided who was going to speak and say prayers at the baptism and what songs were going to be sung. We also got him to write out the programme in his own handwriting - this is going to be a tradition in our family as it will be a nice, personal keepsake for them to hold on to. (Lil painted a picture of Oscar being baptised that we used inside too.)
Jaron and I were feeling a little nostalgic all week - it really does only feel like a couple of years ago we were having our first baby and starting a family, yet here we are after 12 years of marriage and 8 years of children with a "big" family for this day and age!
Time really does go too fast. Oscar being baptised signifies the beginning of having older kids, everything is going to happen so quickly now. Before we know it he will be turning 12, then 18, then heading off on a mission and leaving home! And the others will quickly follow behind him. 

Funny how for the first few years of being a mother everything seemed to go so slowly. We were stuck at home (we only had 1 car until Lil was born so had to walk everywhere!) and every day seemed to drag on. As soon as they hit school age though, time just seems to fly by. They leave for school in the morning and before I can manage to get much done at all it is time to pick them up again! On Sunday evening I have grand plans about everything I'm going to accomplish during the next week and before I know it it's Sunday night again and my list looks pretty much the same as it did a week ago!
I've had a few reminders over the last few weeks to take time to slow down and "smell the roses". I'm finding it easier to drop the unimportant tasks and focus on the here and now...the little things that will make a difference to the children and our family. Everything else can wait and I know that if I focus on the important things then I will find time for everything else.
We were so grateful to friends and family who joined us for Oscar's special day. I love that we are surrounded by so many wonderful people who care about our family and teach my children how to be Christlike through their quiet examples. 

Happy Baptism Day spunky boy!


  1. I can't believe you have an 8 year old Toni! And 12 years of marriage. Wow that goes fast. You guys look wonderful and it's no doubt you all love and treasure each other dearly. xx

  2. oh I LOVE the handwritten program!!! What an awesome idea! I'm going to borrow that for Kobe's :) Can't believe he is 8 already! Looks like you had a beautiful day.

  3. Great photos, and the programme is pretty special.
    And what a handsome young man Oscar is, what a heartbreaker he will be when he gets older.
    Love Auntie Lorraine.

  4. So wonderful to see a young heart commiting to the Lord

  5. love this post Toni ..cant believe that you have a boy old enough for baptism....seems like yesterday.........well to this old lady is spinning out of control ....
