
Saturday, 9 November 2013

.Harvey: 5 months.

We're back again with yet another post about Harvey - I think this blog should be called the Harvey Show because that's pretty much all that goes on around here lately! We love him so though and he definitley has entered our family with a whirlwind of change!
5 months still brings a lot of finger sucking and chewing anything he can find...dare I say it could be teeth? Who knows? Oscar and Lil didn't get any until they were 1 but Tommy was 6 months when his sprouted so you never know. Actually, reading that post about Tommy sounds so similar to Harvey at the moment - except Harvey's sleeping day AND night is rotten! We are going to move him out of our bedroom tomorrow night and get tough, hopefully it won't take too long for him to settle into a better sleeping routine and sleep for more than 40 minutes at a time! At the moment, he spends pretty much the whole night in my arms...lucky he's cute.
Although I have barely touched the sewing machine since Harvey came along, I have managed to sew a couple more outfits for him recently. This "Nukkumatti Baby Sleeper" from Ottobre 6/2012 became one of my favourites. I've also made it here and here, but both of those versions are too small now. They were both worn a lot though so I was happy to sew up another one and I love the ease of the invisible zip and contrasting cuffs are always a winner with me.

The fabric is Lillestoff Pirates from Crafty Mamas. I think it is sold out there now - you gotta be quick!
He's definitley getting a lot stronger and more active, he has started rolling around and still loves having a jump in his jolly jumper. And we continue to get lots of lovely smiles like these ones...


  1. Oh, he's so cute! The Harvey Show...I'd definitley follow that blog! Very similar story going on here. Ted is finger sucking and sucking at sleeping! We're testing him out in his room tonight for the first time!! :O

  2. Oh, so cute! What a beautiful child.

  3. Funny how such a gorgeous little boy can cause so much drama with regard to sleep. It is so hard fitting a baby into busy family life with school pick up etc. goodluck Lon the nights. Remember it takes 3-4 nights to see results! Love the suits, he is just so edible....

  4. He is so adorable. And I love the outfit - the pirates are gorgeous!

  5. He is adorable. It is so lucky that we think our children are cute, because sometimes they really test us. Hope your sleep issues are fixed soon.

  6. Wow he is so gorgeous!

  7. Oh Tone he's so cute! No sleep sucks. Hope,you get it sorted soon.
