
Sunday 30 June 2013

.Who is Harvey Charles?.

Hello blog! We're still cruising along in new baby mode. It's nice to have an excuse to slow down and chill out with lots of snuggles - especially when it's cold outside.

Little Harvey Charles turned 1 month old this week. He is such a treasure, we are all smitten with his round face and chubby cheeks and soft double chin. And he is growing like a weed, still spewing terribly but obviously it isn't affecting his ability to gain weight! This week he started giving us some cute smiles - especially first thing in the morning when the sun rises and he wakes from the night. Funny how you can't imagine how a new baby is going to fit into the family but once they have been here for a little while you can't imagine how the family could feel complete without them.
Remember when I hinted that his name comes from a Thomas the Tank Engine character? Well, here is his fellow train - Harvey. Harvey (the train) is described as relentlessley cheery, big-hearted and helpful. Let's hope the name comes with the characteristics! Although the Thomas books did give us the initial idea to name him Harvey, his name does have special meaning in our family. Jaron's great Uncle (so, Harvey's great-great Uncle) is also named Harvey. The kids and I met Uncle Harvey and Aunty Jill when we went to New Zealand a couple of years ago. They are the sweetest couple and he is a well-loved uncle so it just seemed right that we name our baby after him.
With Uncle Harvey and Aunty Jill in December 2011
Harvey's middle name, Charles, comes from my Grandad. Although he is hardly ever called Charles (most people know him as Chick) we loved how the names sounded together and can't think of another greater man for him to be named after.
With Grandad and Granny in February 2012
But if you ask Tommy what his baby brother's name is he will likely answer you with "Borris" or "George". Seriously. 

Since he was born, Tommy decided that his name wouldn't be Harvey at all!! I think it might have something to do with Tommy being put out of place with the arrival of the little man, this was something that he could be in control of, so we're rolling with it to keep everyone happy!


  1. He is a beautiful little boy Toni, and Tommy must keep you laughing.
    Love Auntie Lorraine.

  2. So cute! We're a house full of baby spew over here too! Roman only ever spewed once so we're still getting used to it. You're right, it's nice to have such a good excuse to slow down a bit.

  3. When I had my 2nd son & my Mum told my eldest that we'd gone to hospital during the night, had a little brother & called him Hugh...his reply was 'nah, I think I'll call him Bob' and he did!! sometimes still does ; ) I love that blanket Harvey is chilling on, if it's handmade do you know the name of the fabric?? Enjoy your cuddles x

  4. Who is Harvey Charles...he's gorgeous. Beautiful eyes. Congratulations.

  5. Beautiful Baby Boy!!!!

