Today consisted of floor washing and scrubbing with a scourer. Then, half an hour later, Oscar was busting to go to the loo and left it too late and weed all over the toilet floor. So I had to wash it again. Lil cried non-stop from 4pm-6pm. I was really losing it with her. Then I realised that all she had eaten since breakfast was a mandarin, 2 rice cakes, a few crackers and my left-over apple core. I forgot to feed her. She ate all of her dinner. I was absolutely exhausted all afternoon. I didn't want to get off the couch but I had to because there were dirty nappies to be changed, drink bottles of water tipped onto the tiles to make rivers (which ended up being deadly slip-hazards for Lil) to be soaked up, arguments to be sorted, washing to be folded, and dinner to be prepared (admittedly, dinner turned out to be baked bean and cheese toasted sandwiches). I feel like a heffalump, I'm sick of all of my clothes, I cut my head out of all of these photos because I don't like my puffy face.
Sorry if you came for an uplifting read...I'm keeping it real today.
(And now, hopefully, after having a good whinge I will stop feeling sorry for myself and tomorrow will be a better day.)
Tone- you look fantastic! If only I looked as good as you when I was 38 (or however many it is) weeks pregnant!
Tone - I'm feeling it for you - I still remember how horrible those last few weeks are. Don't worry about 'keeping it real'. We all need to do that more. Hope the next two weeks go fast for you.
I think you look great (love the first photo) but I understand how you are feeling especially about being sick of your clothes. If it makes you feel better I often have days like that and I am not even pregnant!
oh you poor darling! Chin up, not long now. And the photos rock! Got my pattern in the mail, you are a darling, thankyou! Posting off something for you today so keep an eye out.
While you may feel like a heffalump (don't we all in those last awkward weeks when nothing fits and that belly is always in the way), I could only wish that I looked that good in my jeans when not pregnant, let alone pregnant.
Tones you look sooooo cute! You look smaller than me and im 10 weeks behind you!! haha im laughing at the water to make rivers comment very very creative and yes i can see lil slipping over in it like coda does all the time after charli spills something and i haven't gotten there in time! 2 weeks baby!!!! Woo whoo i wish i had 2 weeks left hehehe xxxxxx just breathe
Thanks for sharing Toni. Sometimes I had a moment when I truly believe that I would be pregnant for ever! Completely understand everything you said. All the best xox
Oh I remember those feelings!! ((hugs)) I love the book "Alexanders Horrible Terrible No Good Very Bad Day" when his mum reminds him, "Some days are just like that!" Hope today is a sunnier one :) Gorgeous photos though!
Thanks for keeping it real Toni. I love honest blogs! I have those days, I think when you're heavily pregnant your tolerance and energy goes out the door! Don't forget to make some time to just STOP and enjoy these last few days without the demands of a newborn. All the best. Melissa -x-
you look as gorgeous as ever to me...not long now and you will have a meemory back...i did think of calling DOCS on you for not feeding Lil though...just joking...not long to go and you will be down to repeating that day all over again only with three...OHHH sorry..mean old me!!! Love ya anyways
Totally feel for you. Those last few weeks are horrible. I was puffy in the face too and couldn't stand to look at myself let alone take photos!! You look great though...bring on two weeks!!
Gosh, I've been temperamental the last couple of weeks! Not a good time....and I'm not even pregnant! :P You are doing an awesome job!! And you look awesome :) Catch up with you soon, hope the next time I'm up there is a new little addition to your family :)
Tone- you look fantastic! If only I looked as good as you when I was 38 (or however many it is) weeks pregnant!
Dear Toni,
I remember........
Keep looking up, not much longer now.
Tone - I'm feeling it for you - I still remember how horrible those last few weeks are. Don't worry about 'keeping it real'. We all need to do that more. Hope the next two weeks go fast for you.
despite it all you truly look fantastic. good luck with the last few weeks of waiting.
thanx for sharing this honest look at your life.
It will all be over in a jiffy! It's good you got some nice photots of this tummy before the end.
I think you look great (love the first photo) but I understand how you are feeling especially about being sick of your clothes.
If it makes you feel better I often have days like that and I am not even pregnant!
oh you poor darling! Chin up, not long now. And the photos rock! Got my pattern in the mail, you are a darling, thankyou! Posting off something for you today so keep an eye out.
Love ya and thinking of you!
While you may feel like a heffalump (don't we all in those last awkward weeks when nothing fits and that belly is always in the way), I could only wish that I looked that good in my jeans when not pregnant, let alone pregnant.
Here's hoping for a better day today.
Toni, you look amazing. Good luck with the last couple of weeks. I hope they go fast for you. And thanks for "keeping it real"!!
Tones you look sooooo cute! You look smaller than me and im 10 weeks behind you!! haha im laughing at the water to make rivers comment very very creative and yes i can see lil slipping over in it like coda does all the time after charli spills something and i haven't gotten there in time! 2 weeks baby!!!! Woo whoo i wish i had 2 weeks left hehehe xxxxxx just breathe
Thanks for sharing Toni. Sometimes I had a moment when I truly believe that I would be pregnant for ever! Completely understand everything you said. All the best xox
Oh I remember those feelings!! ((hugs)) I love the book "Alexanders Horrible Terrible No Good Very Bad Day" when his mum reminds him, "Some days are just like that!"
Hope today is a sunnier one :)
Gorgeous photos though!
I love this post :) I totally feel your pain. the last few weeks suck but it will be over before you know it! Good luck with it all
Thanks for keeping it real Toni. I love honest blogs! I have those days, I think when you're heavily pregnant your tolerance and energy goes out the door!
Don't forget to make some time to just STOP and enjoy these last few days without the demands of a newborn.
All the best.
Melissa -x-
Good for keeping it real! hang in their not long now, hopefully you wont go over your date, if your lucky you will go early, fingers crossed!
you look as gorgeous as ever to me...not long now and you will have a meemory back...i did think of calling DOCS on you for not feeding Lil though...just joking...not long to go and you will be down to repeating that day all over again only with three...OHHH sorry..mean old me!!!
Love ya anyways
Totally feel for you. Those last few weeks are horrible. I was puffy in the face too and couldn't stand to look at myself let alone take photos!! You look great though...bring on two weeks!!
this is so exciting! 2 weeks! i was just telling jaron on the phone that you look good. still so skinny (except the belly)
miss you!
bring the kids around, say a day and i'll have 'em for a few hours xx
Gosh, I've been temperamental the last couple of weeks! Not a good time....and I'm not even pregnant! :P You are doing an awesome job!! And you look awesome :) Catch up with you soon, hope the next time I'm up there is a new little addition to your family :)
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