Tommy Ross Coward
Monday 8th June 2009
2.275kg (6 pounds, 1 ounce)
49cm long
We did it! Baby delivered. Home - safe and sound. I can't believe it is all over and done with so quickly. I thought my first two labours were straightforward, but this one definitely tops the lot!
Monday was a public holiday, so Jaron was home from work for the day. We didn't have many plans for the day, Jaron took the kids for a bike ride and play at the park in the morning while I visited the quilt shop to pick up some fabric to start working on a new pattern (in anticipation that the baby wouldn't be born until Friday too keep me occupied for the rest of the week!). I did a bit of sewing (the pattern is now "on hold" for a few weeks!!) and then we went to Anvers for a hot chocolate and play for afternoon tea.

At around 6pm as we were sitting down for dinner, I started to have a few contractions that were stronger than the ones I had been having over the last few days and just felt a bit different. We carried on with dinner and Family Home Evening and the contractions were getting regular - around 6 minutes apart and starting to feel painful. I went into clean-up mode and got lots of washing folded, tidied the house, sorted a few things out, etc. It was about 7:15pm when we were playing Hide-And-Seek and I was hiding in the cupboard (not a good move for a heavily pregnant woman starting labour, but they didn't find me for ages!) when I had a really strong contraction and yelled out to Jaron that we should probably get the kids settled and into bed NOW!!
At 7:45pm Mum came around and we quickly left for the hospital. I was starting to feel a bit panicky now as I could feel the contractions were getting much stronger very quickly than they had in the past and was worried that we wouldn't make it to the hospital in time! The 10 minute drive to the hospital seemed to take forever and I was anxiously (nice way to put it!) telling Jaron to stop driving so jerkily and speed up! Lucky we didn't have far to drive to the hospital (with Oscar and Lil it was a 45 minute drive away) because it would have been a really close call!
We got into the hospital just after 8pm, the midwives were going to put me in a room to monitor me for awhile, and I looked at one of them and said "if this isn't the room where you want me to have the baby then I'm not going to sit down or get comfortable because I can tell this baby is going to come really soon." I must have looked convincing because they quickly rushed me into the delivery room and we settled in there. The rest is a bit of a blur really, a few contractions and a bit of gas later I was ready to push and only had to push for 5 minutes then little Tommy arrived! As soon as he was put on my chest, Jaron and I both kept saying how tiny he was. He looks so much like Oscar did when he was a baby (but with a more prominent nose!) but is SO mini. Osc and Lil were both 7lb 7oz and 7lb 9oz so it was a huge shock to have such a small one this time. He is really long and skinny with huge feet and toes.
I don't know if it is still the adrenaline kicking in or not, but I am feeling really good (all things considered!) so far. I'm tired and have that weird "new baby to look after and find a place for in this family" feeling but I don't feel really knocked around like I have been hit by a truck! I'm sure that not labouring for a long time and not having to miss out on any sleep being in labour through the night makes a lot of difference.
I had to share a room with three other women and their babies while we were in hospital - two of the babies cried non-stop all night. I felt bad for their Mum's, but while my baby slept peacefully all night long it was enough to encourage me to get home into my own comfortable bed and quite (kind of) house as quickly as possible!
Tommy has been an absolute gem so far (I keep reminding myself it hasn't even been 48 hours!) he is very sleepy and has only cried for about 10 minutes. I have had to wake him for all of his feeds and nappy changes, lets hope that we get a few more days of sleepy-baby before real life settles in!
Oh you can't get more gorgeous than that. I love that first pic of him looking so newborn with his purply skin. Wow what a labour! I'm glad it went well for you - what a relief. xx
Congratulations Toni and family on your new tiny little man. Thank you for sharing your birth story too - how wonderful that you feel so good so close to having a bubby. He is absolutely adorable - enjoy every cuddle. x Janelle
He looks so tiny and so cute! Well done and congratulations! xx
Thats great for you Toni that it all went so quickly, heres hoping mine will be the same!!
All the best for you over the coming weeks ahead.
Hope the sleepiness continues!!
Love Melissa
Oh wow Tone - he IS so tiny!!!!! How amazing to have such a small bub after Lil and Oscar. He is gorgeous. I was like you - couldn't stand being in hospital and just so glad to be home. I bet the kids and Jaron are glad you are home too.
I hope he continues to be good for you and feeds well, and your milk comes in fast and all of that. Oh boy - I'm feeling tired and stressed just thinking about it!! You will be awesome. Look after yourself and try not to do too much (like YW stuff!).
I'm so glad you have blogged already as I've been hanging out to hear all about it and see little Tommy. I can't believe how fast it was either!!! You lucky thing! Must be so nice to not feel wrecked from being in labour all day or all night.
Oh - and I'm glad his name isn't Frankie Bernard like Ty told everyone on Facebook! I totally believed him as I know you like old fashioned, unusual names so it was actually very believable, but Tommy Ross is much cuter! :)
Congratulations, Tommy is gorgeous. Hope you continue to get some sleep!
Congratulations! Glad you had such a short uncomplicated labour, it really is a blessing.
Tommy is very cute:)
Yay i have been waiting for the post! So exciting, i hope he stays good. He is teeny tiny, and so cute!
A big WOW WEE to you!! and CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!! You must be chuffed, a gorgeous wee boy and isnt it awesome that you had a simple and quick labour, you clever wee thing you.
Looks like lil has to carry the burden of wearing all your designer gear all by herself, poor thing!(NOT);o)
Hope everything goes somoothly for you as much as a new born can!!
Best wishes!!!!
Congratulations on the new bub.Love the name Tommy you chose for him.I'm sure he'll be well loved by all the family :) Barb.
HE IS ADORABLE...Congratulations Toni and Jaron...
well done Toni.....i know you will not have to try too hard to fit little Tommy into your loving home.....(by the way this is Nettie at Chels's.)
Congratulations he is perfect!
Congratulations Toni, he's absolutely gorgeous. What a great birth story.
Hi Toni,
Again a huge congratulations.
He is so tiny and precious.
He must be going to grow into his hands and feet and nose.
Hope you get plenty of sleep.
I think you are better off at home, if you had to share a room with crying babies.
Love Auntie Lorraine.
Congratulation Toni and family! How clever are you?! I have had all quickies and the high feels like it could last forever! Take care and enjoy the sleep while you can. Maybe next time you could have a home birth?? xox
Well done, congratulations Toni and family! Tommy is a beautiful boy.
Congratulations Toni, Jaron, Oscar and Lil!!!! And welcome to the world Tommy xx Well done Toni! You are a superwoman. I love Tommy's birth story. He looks so tiny and cute.
Love the Coulls xxxx
Congratulations Toni! You are a champion. What beautiful shots of Lil and Oscar welcoming their new little brother. So glad the labour went well (all things considered) and that you guys are settling in so nicely. I've been told that the third one is always really lovely for you so you'll go back again for the 4th:) Lots of love to you and all the family.
Sarah, Sam, Hyrum and Ashton
He arrived!!! So lovely to see pics of your new little man. Congratulations Tone and jaron! So wonderful the birth went so well Tone, I cant believe you were playing hide and seek less than two hour before Tommy arrived- amazing! Love to you all, Marniexx
ohhh bless Tone ,he is absolutely adorable and teeny! Well done. Posted package today. Love ya xox
Congrats. He is VERY cute and VERY tiny! Glad everything went so well for you. Hope it stay that way for you : )
Good on you girl!! I read on Carli's blog that she said you were very efficient and that you were!!
I love his name, fits well with your other two I think. I was wondering what you might name him...
Well done to both of you, he is a cutie that's for sure. gorgeous. You must be so proud. Congratulations and big hugs,
Fiona xxx
Hmm - seems my first comment got lost in cyber space! Congratulations to you guys!!! He is absolutely beautiful and soooooooo tiny!!! I can't believe how small he is - no wonder your tummy was so compact! :) I can't believe how fast the labour was (lucky thing!) and that you were playing hide and seek during it! Hilarious. What perfect timing though hey - kids just gone to bed, no labouring during the night - couldn't get better than that!
I hope he continues to be good for you and that you get lots of rest. Don't do too much of anything except looking after yourself and Tommy (that includes YW stuff!).
I can't wait to meet him and I'm glad you are home. There's no place like home - especially when you are sharing a room with three other strangers and their crying babies!
Oh I'm cracking up - the word verification says 'bionic' as in it was the bionic birth!! Go Tone! :)
hi toni
i always said that you're a clever mum..congratulations and now you have 3 beautiful babies..
well done and stay beautiful..
love jackie
Toni he's soooo little I can't wait to give the little man a cuddle. congratulations he's adorable x x x
Congratulations! He looks sooooo tiny. Seeing a newborn always brings a tear to my eye and this one was no exception! How fantastic that you had such a good delivery and are feeling great.
Congratultations! We were travelling past the hospital around that time and I was wondering when he would arrive. Hope the kids adapt well to their little brother and give you lots of help.
Congratulations guys! What an adorable baby boy! I can't believe he is so small. Glad to hear you are ok. xxx
Congratulations he looks beautiful. I thought my daughter was small at 2.55kg but he is tiny.
He is just gorgeous. I l ove seeing that newborn look. (Zack has already lost his!). COngratulations.
Congratulations! He's so cute!
Congrats Toni and family. He is perfect and so tiny!! What an amazing birth story.
congratulations to you and your family. Well done. Soak him up!!
He is adorable. Can't believe how quick you labour was!! We're so happy for you all. xx
Congratulations. A quick labour, a tiny, precious baby boy that does sure did make it perfect!
Congrats on your new little arrival. He is such a little cutie!
Congratulations Toni, he is adorable! What a quick labour. Glad to hear everything went well.
Congratulations Toni and family! What a superwoman you are and what a gorgeous bub Tommy is! Hope he continues to sleep well for you. Enjoy your new bundle of joy.
x Amelia
Congratulations! He is absolutely gorgeous!
Congratulations!!! Tommy is adorable!! :)
congratulations!! Have fun learning about about your new babe.
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