Sunday 22 May 2011

.Giveaway Day!.


Welcome readers old and new to my Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day post!

If you are new to my blog, I am happy to have you here!  The Make It Perfect blog is where I share the craftiness going on in my life - mixed with my favourite recipes, showcasing some of the Cool Shops out there and a few personal bits and pieces.  

Make It Perfect is also the name of my sewing pattern range - featuring a whole heap of modern, fresh and funky clothing sewing patterns, some of which are shown below...
And because I like to keep myself busy, I spend a little bit of my spare time creating pretty, vintage-inspired jewellery and accessories for my Citrus Pop stores on Madeit and Etsy...
Okay, now that I've introduced you to my goodies, let's get back to the giveaway...

One lucky winner will score themselves...
FOUR of their favourite SEWING PATTERNS
A $20 GIFT VOUCHER to spend on CITRUS POP products!

To enter, simply leave a comment on this post.  For extra entries, feel free to become a follower of my blog or "like" my Facebook page.  Easy!
(Giveaway ends Wednesday 25th May and winner will be drawn randomly.)


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Carolyn McPherson said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE you stuff. Thanks for a great giveaway! I esp love your patterns!!

Carolyn McPherson said...

And I'm already a Facebook fan too :0)

My MummaMoments said...

What a giveaway! WOW!!!

My MummaMoments said...

I am a follower x

My MummaMoments said...

I am a facebook liker too! SOunding stalkish yet? hahaha!

Philippa S said...

Wow what a generous giveaway - Thanks Toni :-) {I am a FB follower too} Philippa

Lisa said...

I have followed your blog since I started sewing a couple of years ago and have a couple of your patterns and your fantastic book, but there are a few more patterns I NEED, hopefully I win!

Meg said...

Toni, I love love reading your blog and love your patterns too!! I

Meg said...

Toni I love your blog and love love your patterns too!!

Kristin said...

I have 2 of your patterns already but I haven't made them yet! I need more time in the day! Thanks for the chance to win some more!

Kristin said...

I am a follower!

Kristin said...

I like you on FB!

Melssa said...

Toni, so many giveaways, how can one resist?!!! xx

Melssa said...

Toni, so many giveaways, how can one resist?!!! xx

DKB said...

i already follow you-

DKB said...

would love to win this one- i've had my eye on a couple ofyour patterns for weeks now

Wisdom.Courage.Love said...

Already a follower but defiantely love a good give away!!

Bec R said...

Love you patterns - and your citrus pop items! The bobby pins are my favourite, I use them all the time!

Bec R said...

And I am a follower of your blog too :-)

Bec R said...

And now I 'like' you on Facebook, lol!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic giveaway...I've been wanting more of your patterns for a while now.

Freja said...

Nice giveaway. Yay!

Freja said...

I am already a follower :)

Tanya said...

Love, love, love your patterns.

Kelli said...

WOWZERS! This is an awesome giveaway!
Thank you for the chance to win!
Love your patterns!

Freja said...

I already like your FB page. Wait, no I don't!! Rectified :)

Kelli said...

I am already a follower :)

Tanya said...

I have already liked your facebook page :)

Rie said...

I'd love some of your patterns (to procastinate over!)

Rie said...

I'm an old follower of your blog.

Ange Moore said...

I have been eyeing off your patterns for a long time now and really should just go and buy some but it would be awesome to win 4 of them!!

Ange Moore said...

And I follow your blog too!!

angelina said...

you are so generous! i love them.

The Bartons said...

your so awesome tones!!!!

Kirsten said...

Great Giveaway thanks!!! I have made your wrap skirt, and am planning to try a few more :)

Anonymous said...

I just made your Sheerwater Kaftan on Friday for the first time and like it so much I have a second one cut out and ready to go. I'd love to have more of your patterns!

Vicky said...

Cool, I love your patterns and was heading to the Perth craft fair this past weekend to pick up a copy of your book but didn't make it.....

mjb said...

I love your patterns... and your blog!!!

mjb said...

I "liked" your facebook page and follow your blog:) Thanks for the giveaway!!!

MothersBrains said...

Count me in!

joyce said...

I would love to win this and your patterns. I have a fun four year old grand daughter to sew for.

joyce said...

I follow you on fb.

Melissa said...

Wow Toni, that's a very generous giveaway! I love your patterns and could always use more ;-)

Deanna said...

Oh, I have been drooling over your Sprout pattern and Uptown Girl pattern. I would love to win!

Deanna said...

I also follow your blog.

Sharon said...

I hope I win!

Ambrosia said...

Love this giveaway - your patterns look like I could actually use them AND I'd love to wear what I made!

Ambrosia said...

I'm a new follower!

Keren said...

LOVE your patterns! Those pictures are beautiful.

Princesses in waiting said...

Love your patterns and was so nice to see your patterns made into a cute Pinny for my friends daughter at the markets at Glenbrook. I know it was your pattern as soon as I saw it. Love to be able to make them myself

Pilgrim Days said...

i have been wanting to try your patterns!

Pilgrim Days said...

i am a follower

Caitlin said...

What a great prize - please enter me!

Lyndal said...

Great blog and great giveaway! Like your Citrus Pop hairclips!

Kerry said...

Oh, how cool! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks! :)

Kerry said...

New follower! :)

IndigoElephant :: Sash said...

Wow, love, love, love your patterns... and would love to add to my collection!

IndigoElephant :: Sash said...

Am already following your blog!

IndigoElephant :: Sash said...

Just 'liked' your fb page too!

Gwendoline said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Love your patterns.

Anonymous said...

I love your patterns, hoping to buy some in the near future! My fabric stash seems to be growing, but my wardrobe isn't! I need to get making! I'm going to like your FB too for an extra entry - I didn't even realise you had a page!

Tina said...

I love your patterns even for a beginner like myself they are easy to follow and always turn out PERFECT. I follow you on facebook and love the updates, I look forward to the emails when new patterns are out. Four new patterns would be wonderful, and would keep 3 little girls in my house happy. Keep up the wonderful work Toni.

Sarah said...

FOUR patterns!!!!! YES Mam! I have Mde several of your patterns - the latest being the wrap skirt and soon will be the boys cap. With three boys in this family it is hard to find funky good patterns - yours have always gone down well!

mennikelly said...

I've wanted to start sewing clothes.

twelfthzodiac said...

You have some really great patterns! I've never sewn clothing before, but have been wanting to give it a try...

Cherie said...

Thanks for such a wonderful, inspiring website. Don't know how you do it all but I do know I need to pull my finger out and get on with my sewing. Love the giveaway and love your energy. Hugs Cherie:)

Bianca said...

What a lovely giveaway Toni! :)

Fran said...

what a generous give-away, four patterns! Thanks Toni

simoneil said...

Wow too generous! Thanks for the comp

simoneil said...

Oh and I am a follower.

Jody Herbert said...

Thanks for the chance at your giveaway, I love your patterns and would love to win some! ps. is the 'downtown boy' pattern ready in the larger sizes yet?

Anonymous said...

The giveaway is kind of irresistable!! Julie Tovey

Nancy said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win some new patterns to sew especially the kaftan :0)

Nancy said...

I "like" you on FB

DonnaQ said...

HI, I'm a new reader and after 15 years absence am about to start sewing again so I can make beautiful skirts like yours - free patterns would help me get motivated - love your craft also.

Andrea Q said...

Your patterns look fabulous! Thanks for the chance to try them out.

Kara said...

I made some jammies for my 2 year old from your book a month ago and was so pleased with how easy they were to make. I look forward to trying out more of your patterns.

Neets said...

Love your stuff Toni - just finished your shearwater kaftan pattern and love the look of the new boys pants pattern! Would love to win it!

Cass said...

Great giveaway! I would love some of your patterns!

Cass said...

I've been a blog follower for some time now. :)

Kirsten said...

would love to win some patterns (and extra goodies too)...not quite well enough to sew at the moment but it's one of those things to look forward to which keeps me going on hard days.

Kirsten said...

(already a follower and liked on f/b)

Nic said...

I have your book and one of your patterns. Wouldn't say no to some more!

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

Living in La La Land said...

Wow, your very creative!
Thank you for the opportunity;}

Living in La La Land said...

I am a new follower of your blog!

Caspritz said...

big hello from warm and sunny germany...i love love love your patterns and my daughter too what a great giveaway...

macca said...

Wow i love your patterns - would love to win some.

macca said...

I am already a follower

macca said...

I already like your facebook page too

Rachel P said...

What a great giveaway. My girls love their uptown girl jackets and I'm sure they'd love a few other outfits too

Bree said...

Love your work Toni!

BCili said...

I like your patterns, go to the FB!

mrsc1345 said...

I would love a chance to win your patterns!! Fingers crossed!

mrsc1345 said...

I also follow your blog!

mrsc1345 said...

AND I like you on facebook!

Sarah said...

Love the accessories, thanks for the giveaway!

Kylie said...

I already own a few of your patterns but have my eye on a few more!!

Miss Amy said...

Ooo I love your patterns Toni! :) Here's hoping I am the lucky winner! **crosses fingers and toes**

Kylee said...

Cool! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Tas said...

Wow. I have seen and loved your patterns but your Citrus Pop necklace is divine!

T5 said...

Ooooh! That is a very great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. I love every pattern I have of yours.

Amanda said...

love love love your patterns! thanks for the chance to win not only one, but four of them! AND a jewelry credit? awesome!

Amanda said...

i follow on facebook!

gretbert said...

I have seen that strawberry nightie before, so gorgeous!

amummy said...

Thanks for a great give away.

amummy said...

I am also a facebook fan.

amy said...

Woo hoo!! Your Patterson are so great, thanks for a fantastic giveaway!

amy said...

I'm a follower! :)

Rachelle said...

Already a follower, gosh what a popular giveaway!

Julie-Anne said...

Hi Toni, I've been lurking for a while, but have to comment as I Looove the prize. 25th May is my 20th Wedding Anniversary, so I'm feeling lucky.

Karen D said...

Thank you, I would so love to win, I am a big fan of your patterns and love your book too!

sarah said...

wow! how generous! i love the style of your patterns, and citrus pop, WAY cute!

Tash said...

I love your work! What an awesome giveaway! :)

Sydney said...

Thanks, and I hope I win!
Wichita, KS

SandyN said...

Wow love your patterns.. Go Aussie's....


SandyN said...

I am already a follower

Charlotte said...

what a great giveaway, gorgeous

Ruth said...

What a generous giveaway! I've really enjoyed sewing your patterns, and would love some more :)

shelley said...

love all the brightness of your blog! i don't sew, but these patterns will inspire me to learn. said...

Wow, what a fabulous giveaway, love your patterns. Saw them on Noodlehead and wanted one. Now a chance to win 4 is great

Little Munchkins said...

What a wonderful giveaway Toni!

little elm said...

Love your work Toni xx

heather said...

I'd just love to win some of your gorgeous patterns

Jaya P said...

love your patterns!
thanks for the chance to win.
liz1611 at

Clare said...

Love your blog, your patterns and your jewellery!

Lili said...

Wow thats a great give away thats for sure, I hope I win :)

Angel said...

Love your patterns!

Angel said...

already a follower!

toadstooldots said...

thanks for that great give away! will be hard to choose...

Ashleigh said...

Never used one of your patterns before but would love to if I win. Thanks

Melinda said...

awesome giveaway!

Bellgirl said...

I have your shearwater pattern and would lobve to win some more!

Bellgirl said...

...and I'm already a follower. Happy Giveaway DAy!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, thanks for the chance. I didn't know about your jewelry, I love it!

FLO said...

I love the uptown girl pattern! will love to win pattern because I never use pattern before but I think I am ready for a new challenge!

Hannah said...

I LOVE your patterns! Thank you so much for doing this giveaway!

btsoi. said...

I would love to win some of your patterns! They're gorgeous!

FLO said...

I am now a follower!

andrea creates said...

looks great1 :) love the necklace in the middle!!

PurpleMum said...

Can't believe its taken me this long to find your Blog! And I own a pattern of yours, I should have thought to look earleir!! Thanks for being part of this, what a great idea, and so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

Great patterns!

Karen P. said...

I'd love to try the skirt pattern! Thanks!

Lady Multi-Tasker said...

This is great! I rely on your blog for so many things I make!

Lady Multi-Tasker said...

I follow your blog!
jenn dot mrsdjm at gmail dot com

Karen P. said...

Long time reader now a blog follower!

Karen P. said...

Like on facebook as well.

Lady Multi-Tasker said...

I like you on FB!
jenn dot mrsdjm at gmail dot com

tiffany said...

hurray! i already follow your blog through google reader.

tiffany said...

fingers & toes crossed! thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

4 patterns ? Wow !
Thank you !


Anonymous said...

I also like your page on facebook !

Laurie said...

I love your patterns! I have made several of them. Thanks for the fun give away!

Karen Locke said...

Wow - yes please! I love your patterns for my little girl's clothes - so cute.

Anonymous said...

Just few days ago I saw your kaftan-shirt made on some blog (can't remember where) and have been plotting now how to make that kind of a shirt without a pattern - well, fingers crossed I can do it with pattern soon!

gautsho [at] hotmail [dot] com

Shaheen said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

lorimu said...

I would love to try your skirts! Great giveaway!

lorimu said...

I also "liked" you on facebook

Byrd said...

your patterns are awesome! so excited to have a chance to win something for your stash

Sally said...

Oh my! What a wonderful giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

hollyctr said...

I LOVE your patterns!!!

hollyctr said...

I'm a follower

Amy said...

Seriously fantastic clothes! Love and love.

Jingle said...

What a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jingle said...

I like you on Facebook!

MooBear Designs said...

Count me in...

xo Steph

MooBear Designs said...

Fb liker too now!! YAY...

xo Steph

Micah said...

really cute stuff!

Christie S. said...

Love your patterns.

jeanmarie. said...

Great giveaway! Love your patterns!

Sangeetha said...

Would love to win this one along with the other 300+ people

Mommy of 3 said...

I would love to win your patterns!

{eleise} said...

great giveaway!

new follower!

Minimanuals said...

Lovely giveaways.

Minimanuals said...

New follower

Meryl said...

Oh, that little wrap skirt pattern is perfect!

Maevy said...

Ooh! This is exciting, I love the patterns and your hand-made accessories are darling and would look amazing for summer.

Jacey said...

Wow, lovely! I appreciate the chance to win such great prizes!

Ladybug said...

Sounds great I love your patterns.

leslieanne said...

Of course I am now a follower! I am so glad to have found such a fun blog! I hope I win!

flowerofshona said...

im a follower of your blog xxx

flowerofshona said...

Thank you for the chance to win .

Em said...

Great stuff! And funny story, I linked here through SMS but actually just came across your shop earlier this week.

Wierman Family said...

Love your patterns and would love to win them :)

mwierman (at)gmail (dot)com

craftmom said...

ooh wow! I would love to try out one of your patterns as I never have before and love the vintage inspired jewelry:) Thanks!

craftmom said...

I follow your blog:)

two hippos said...

I've been wanting to expand into garment sewing and your patterns give me a great reason to do so.

kerrie.james said...

Very nice designs :)

mooncalf said...

Wow - love your patterns. So nice to see clothes for adults as well as children.

*cross fingers* hope I win!

holly | bijou lovely said...

Love your patterns! Thanks for the great giveaway!

holly | bijou lovely said...

I'm a follower too!

Make Me Over said...

Citrus Pop? Brilliant name! :)

emma007 said...

Hi thanks for the chance to win some patterns - go us readers!

emma007 said...

and consider yourself followed (but in a completely non-stalky way)

Emilie said...

Great patterns... and they don't look too complicated either!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Sherry said...

great giveaway love patterns!!

Sherry said...

newest follower

Ashley R said...

Love the wrap skirt at the top right!! Thanks for the chance!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said...

Follow on GFC!
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

Ashley R said...

Follow on FB! (Ashley Reynolds)
reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

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