
Tuesday 7 June 2011

.Conversations with a sewer's son.

Date:  Tuesday 7th June 2011
Time:  6pm
Details:  After a shower, Oscar (5 years old) usually wears board shorts to bed, 6 degrees celsius outside

MUM:  Oscar, I think you should wear a pair of pyjama pants tonight.  It's super freezing.  Way too cold for shorts.
OSCAR:  I'll think about it.
MUM:  Just wear pants, you'll be toasty and warm.
OSCAR:  Okay then.
(Mum gets Oscar a pair of Slumber Party Jammies)
OSCAR:  Not Make It Perfect, Mum!
MUM:  Why not?  What's wrong with Make It Perfect?
OSCAR:  I don't really like your fabric choice.  I'll wear shorts.
The dreaded day my children start to tell me they don't like my sewing.


  1. Too funny! Let them pick the fabrics from now on?

  2. haha, nice Oscar. Poor boy is in serious trouble, when he's complaining about fabrics :)

  3. You can nip that in the bud...let him pick the fabric!:)

  4. hahaha at least he only had issues with the fabric....seems he needs a little shopping trip with mummy xxx

  5. Heh, well at least he wasn't criticising your designs...

  6. Like what the others said - it's the fabric! Not to worry, he will still wear Make it Perfect!

  7. Ah, the dreaded day we sewers all fear!!!

  8. ahahahhaha too cute Toni! i wont forget the day Tanner wanted Daddy to design him a quilt.... Daddy does 'good' designs mum!!...

    Hey email me about Darling Harbour... What are your plans?? Wanna catch up Wed night for dinner? You, Me, Saffron, Kate, Elissa?? xx

  9. We have reached that point too. On Saturday we were driving by Old Navy and my daughter said that she wanted to go inside. I told her that I would make her something and she whined that she didn't want something that I made, she wanted something from the store. :(. What can you do!

  10. LOL..... I was only saying to my mother in law yesterday about the little time frame you have to actually sew clothes for your kids.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Love it. I have a 12 yr old that liked the pj pants i've made him. Maybe let Oscar select his own fabrics.

  13. Aw!!! I know what you mean. My oldest son (11) wanted a new teddy because he's decided to start collecting softies. I asked him if he would like me to make him one. He said, "No thanks Mum, the ones you make don't look quite right." :S
