
Wednesday 8 June 2011

.June Cool Shops! Vegie Smugglers.

I know that you are going to LOVE this week's Cool Shop - Vegie Smugglers...
Wendy Blume is the extremely talented author of Vegie Smugglers - a self-published cookbook aimed toward busy families who still want to eat a healthy, balanced diet.  Like most Aussie Mums, Wendy found it a daily struggle in the kitchen trying to come up with healthy meals that would satisfy her two fussy eaters.  Out of her desperation - and I'm sure after hearing many other Mothers complaining about the same problem - Vegie Smugglers was born.
Not only did Wendy come up with 60 + delicious recipes to feed your family, she was also  responsible for the photography and graphic design of this beautifully presented book.  What a clever Mum!  Vegie Smugglers is bright and colourful, filled with gorgeous mouth-watering photographs - in this case, self-published does not mean tacky.  The book is top quality.  

I own a heap of cookbooks, but for the majority of them there are only a handful of recipes that I might actually cook.  When I first received a copy of Vegie Smugglers I flicked through it and gave pretty much every recipe the "thumbs up" - not just for me, but I also thought that I could coax my children into trying most of them too.  (In our house, the "trying" part is always the hardest, once they've had a taste usually they like it!)

Vegie Smugglers is broken up into convenient sections from quick dinner fixes to freezable meals to sweet treats.  

The introduction of the book includes handy information about the nutritional components of vegetables (see picture below) and essential kitchen tools and skills.

I love the thoughtful details that Wendy has incorporated into her book - a "Rate It" and "Comments" section for you to jot down your thoughts or perhaps variations for next time.  She also includes a "For the Adults" variation for each recipe - a simple extra addition to make the meal a little more special for the adults you are feeding.  I have friends who cook two dinners a night - one for the kids and one for the parents, a waste of time and energy to me, so it's good to have recipes on hand that will please everyone.
 In short, this book gets the big tick of approval from me!  We have tried a few recipes so far (although none of them have been photographed because I never seem to have time to pull out the camera during that busy evening meal time!) and they have all been delicious.  Next up, I'm looking foward to trying the Beetroot Tzatziki - it looks delicious and I have some fresh beetroot waiting to be used up.  Vegie Smugglers retails at $24.95 and can be purchased here.  (Word on the street is that Vegie Smugglers 2 is in the making - go Wendy!)
Wendy is genrously giving one lucky Make It Perfect reader a chance to win a free copy of Vegie Smugglers!  Simply "like" Vegie Smugglers on Facebook and leave a comment on this post.  
(Winner will be randomly chosen on Sunday 12th June.)
Important Vegie Smugglers Links:


  1. What a fantastic giveaway! Have just liked on facebook too. Thankyou.

  2. Wow, This giveaway is great! I'd love to have a copy of this cookbook, to cook for my fussy family! I have also liked Vegie Smugglers on facebook, I can't wait to find out more about the company!

  3. love it, what a talented woman!

  4. What a great book, I NEED this ! Have liked on Facebook and signed up for the newsletter. Great giveaway.

  5. This is exactly what I need. Two fussy eaters at our house and veges don't get a look in. I have liked vegie smugglers on facebook.

  6. Oooo! I want it! :) I "liked" on FB! Thank you!

  7. Btw...the "anonymous" was Jill A. For some reason Blogger will only let me post anonymously. >:/

  8. I became a fan of vegie smugglers a couple of weeks ago and love, love, love her ideas.

  9. This book looks fabulous! Liked on FB :) ~ Christine xx

  10. What a great looking book. I just 'liked' on Facebook!

  11. Caroline Stirling8 June 2011 at 09:31

    great book!

  12. This looks fabulous!!! It's always great to get new ideas on how to feed your children more of the good stuff.

  13. 3 kids to feed.... yes please! Liked on FB too.
    You're wonderful!!
    xoxx s

  14. looks like a great book!

  15. I would love a copy of this cookbook! I like Vegie Smugglers on FB

  16. I actually read on someone's blog that she loves this book too. Sounds like a great cookbook indeed!

    I have liked on FB too.

  17. Wonderful idea, two of my 3 are very fussy, always looking for new ideas to entice them :-)

  18. Wow, thank you for this generous offer. Was only thinking last night of a sneaky way to get my 5 children under 7 to eat a bit healthier!!!

  19. This looks great - thanks for the great giveaway - just liked them on Facebook and am hungry already!!! Philippa

  20. "Liked" on FB - what a fantastic book!

  21. Ohhh I've seen this and wanted a copy to help me feed my three little boys! I've "liked" on FB! Thanks for the chance!

  22. I want to bottle her talent and have some please?! No...well I will settle for an entry to this awesome competition! :D Vegie Smugglers I "like" you...on facebook...and real life :D

  23. What an awesome looking book. Maybe my children would actually eat dinner if I had one of those. Following on facebook too.

  24. What a fab idea to incorporate adult options too!! Wendy you are a star!

  25. With two fussy eaters I definitely need this book!

  26. Great book! I liked them on FB :)

  27. Very interested in this one as I am one of those parents that cook 2 meals at night!!!!!!! Have already liked on facebook now going to check out the blog.

  28. Liked on FB - please count me in the draw! Thanks for introducing us to this book, looks great.

  29. Always a good idea for vege haters. Love surprised looks on faces when you have 'snuck' [is that a word] something in. Liked on Facebook. This book is one to have from the sounds of it.

  30. This is a great idea and a fun giveaway! The huge amount of pictures is one of the best parts.

  31. Hi,
    I never leave a comment at give-away because i am a shopowner of your gorgeous patterns and already have a lot of your patterns, but this time a have to have a go at it! The book looks beatiful and i would love to go and have a cook (or more) out of it for my family!
    Happy Stitches

  32. Me please, my two chips & nuggets (fussy eaters) children need to diversify. have liked on facebook also.

  33. sounds like a great book, my youngest is ASD and very fussy with his food; no veges aside from potato and no fruit. Would love to sneak some in.
    Have liked on facebook too.

  34. Oo I think I need that one! My three year old has major problems with green stuff on his plate. (liked on FB)

  35. I like Vegie smugglers on face book! I really need this book! My 4 yr old will not eat anything with vegies unless it's hidden. Running out of ideas and he's getting clever at spotting the tricks!

  36. My boy is soooo fussy, this would be great for him!

  37. Looks like a great book! I've liked VS on Facebook.

  38. I've been a fan of Vegie Smugglers for a while now - hoping I win so I can try some of those recipes!

  39. It looks like a great book. I just liked Veggie Smugglers on Facebook.

  40. I just liked Veggie Smugglers on FB. what a fun book!
