
Friday 15 July 2011

.A broken needle changes my plans.

I had great plans yesterday afternoon to settle down and work on a new pattern that I'm really excited about but haven't found the time to get stuck into yet...only to sit down and break my one and only twin needle within 3 seconds of sewing!  Lucky for me, my husband came to the rescue and headed to town and bought me another needle - which I also broke within 3 seconds of sewing again!  
Talk about frustration!!!  
Those baby's aren't cheap and I was sure I'd only make the same mistake once but obviously yesterday just wasn't my day to spend sewing on that project.  So, I've ordered another THREE twin needles online (saved myself a trip to the shops and surely I won't be going through three of them in a short frame of time!) There goes my productive sewing weekend and blog post about sewing with twin needles.
So instead, I started a new project...nothing for Make It Perfect, all for fun.  But I can't show you much more than this at the moment because it is a gift for someone special and I don't want to be giving away too much information...lots of mellow yellows, mustards and cool greys to play with - much more fun than breaking twin needles!


  1. I love your fabric, sad about your needles, hope you have better luck with the new batch!

  2. nice colour combinations. wish it was for me!

  3. Oh those fabrics are nice! Can't wait to see what it turns out to be!
    I broke 2 regular needles the other day (almost 3!) Wish you luck on the next!

  4. Too bad about the needle! Time for a coverstitch hey? :-)
    Can't wait to see your creations!

  5. oh, that would have been so frustrating!!! lovely fabric you are working with :)

  6. Hey Toni,

    Make sure your threads are't getting tangled or crossing over anywhere at all in the threading process as this can make them break very quickly. When you get your new ones go slowly and make sure they are not catching on your machine foot. Can't wait to see your roject and nice seeing you the other week
