
Monday 18 July 2011

.Cradle Mountain.

We bundled the troops up and headed to Cradle Mountain to the snow on Saturday.  Last week was FREEZING and we knew that we should make the most of the cold and have a snow trip before it was too late.  So after two or three layers of clothing and a quick stop to Kathmandu to buy everyone a pair of decent gloves we were set!  The gloves were on sale, but still a little pricey so I made sure we got them way too big for the kids - Oscar will be wearing his until he is 15!!  But it definitley made for happy kids at the snow, no crying that hands were cold and lots of time for fun playing...
It really was a perfect day...great snow cover, no wind, lots of open spaces to run around in.  Tommy was a little off though and later we realised that he was sick and has had a fever ever since.  He was okay with lots of cuddles though.
We had to drag the big two away for lunch and had a delicious meal at the Cradle Mountain Lodge - our favourite stop every time we visit the mountain.  The meals are delicious and huge and there is a massive log fire to get warm by after being outside in the cold.  The kids had a ball - it really is great now that they are getting older that they are able to enjoy outings like this, babies in the snow is not much fun, heaps easier when they can run around on their own and enjoy themselves!
They are already asking when we are going to go back...hopefully we'll make it again in the next few weeks - get some more use out of their gloves ;) although Oscar and Lil were up at 7am playing on the swing set outside with their gloves on!!


  1. I love Cradle Mountain lodge. I have only been there is summer - so no snow around, but their food - YUMMO. We had breafast there are I still remember it from 7 years ago. Time to go back to Tassie I think.

  2. The snow looks refreshing! It's hotter than blazes here!

  3. Lil has about 56 layers of clothing on - even Mason's old orange vest!! ha ha everyone looks so fat! they don't look like we did when we were little going to the snow with just a t-shirt and jumper if we were lucky and freezing out wet butts off all the way home car-sick in the back on the van!

  4. oh great pics! looks like so much fun - can't wait for a snow trip - might have to go into kathmandu though - those gloves look great!!

  5. Looks like a great day out.
    Love cradle mountain.

  6. these pics are just the best time you go to the snow and make a huge ball to eat ...take a bottle of your favorite topping and pour it over before you eat it..slurppys like you never had before... heaven...

  7. Okay I just have to say that I'm SOO excited that you have a blog post about the fam :) I miss them and as you know sewing just isn't my thing :) Great pics! Looks like heaps of fun.

  8. I have to tell you a funny little story. I live in Arizona and it is about 115 degrees here~hot, Recently my shop started to sell lots of patterns to Australia, took me a while to figure out that the southern hemisphere is wintering now. duh!
    That snow looks fabulous!

  9. Looks like you all had a lovely day. We were thinking about going up there on Saturday, but took too long to get moving. We're so lucky we have such a beautiful spot closeby.

  10. Looks like great fun. We've been thinking about taking our kids to see snow for the first time. Maybe next year, once the baby's walking.

    BTW I love your hat pattern, my older two have three hats each!
