Were you wondering where I had disappeared to? Thought I might have had the baby?
I didn't.
Instead, our computer (the trusty, much loved Mac that has been perfectly faithful to us and given us almost 4 years free of any technological hassle) decided to go crazy and have issues with its hard drive. Its all fixed up now. 5 days of no computer/internet was really hard. But good. The first two days I was having withdrawals but soon got used to it and had an extremely productive week getting a lot of cleaning, sorting, organising and sewing done that I'm sure wouldn't have happened if the distraction/temptation of blogs, emails and internet surfing were there.
Baby sewing and last minute preparation has been going on this week. I FINALLY packed my bag for hospital - are you proud of me Melissa?!! Talk about leaving it until the last minute, I just couldn't find the motivation to do it!
If you're a sewing-blog surfer then no doubt you have come across this free pattern for baby Cloth Shoes from Stardust Shoes. They have been on my list of things to try for awhile. I was only going to make one or two pairs, but decided if I was going to the effort to make a couple I may aswell make multiple and throw a few in the present box for later on! They are tiny, and very cute. I made myself stick to "scraps only" to try and reduce my fabric scrap box which is quickly overflowing! They were pretty easy to make, fiddly though because of their small size and I was well and truly sick of them after sewing six pairs!I wasn't going to sew another baby blanket until I had the baby and knew if I was sewing for a girl or a boy, but I really like these quick throw-together minkee-backed blankets so put together another gender neutral one. Love love love this duck fabric...yes, I was weak... And the little baby FINALLY has a bed to rest his/her head. I did a lot of baby hammock research when I was just pregnant and came across Amby Baby Hammocks. I was determined to purchase one, but only second-hand because I enjoy a good bargain and didn't want to pay full-price! All of the hammocks on Ebay were in the rest of Australia and most people didn't offer delivery to Tasmania, so after a couple of months searching I gave up and we decided that we would just put the baby in the portacot for a few months until Lil was ready to move out of the cot and into her big bed. Then my friend let me know that she had bought a hammock and only used it for a few weeks because her baby was unsettled and ended up sleeping in her bed most of the time anyway, so she wanted to sell it. I figured we haven't needed to buy anything new for this baby so far and should treat the little mite to something new so we bought it off her! Hopefully it will provide us (all) with good night sleeps. We set it up a couple of days ago and I'm glad we did so that hopefully the novelty of swinging it around and hanging from the frame will have worn off before the baby needs to use it! So, now I am feeling ready to have the baby. Today we did a little bit of shopping and I bought some cute little suits for him or her. I was feeling bad as I packed the hospital bag that everything in there was hand-me-down and wanted a couple of new little suits for the baby to wear! I was exactly 6 days overdue with both Oscar and Lil, so if the trend continues it will mean I will have the baby on Tuesday. If not, the doctor at my last hospital visit said that I would go in on Friday to be induced - really hoping it doesn't come to that though!
I don't think you'll be long now Toni. You'll go before Friday. I think now that the baby's bed is all made up ready to go your body will sense that you're ready and do it's thing. Good luck. Have a wonderful birth! Can't wait to hear xxxxx Linda and co
Well I was wondering where you had got to. Hope you are over the 'flu. I love the baby shoes, and yes again, why don't they make them adult size? They would make funky slippers. I have always loved those baby hammocks, and I think it would be more natural for a baby to sleep in, and yet again, I would love to lie in something like that in the summer under the trees reading a book. Sounds like you are all prepared for the big day. I will be watching your'blog' with anticipation. Love Auntie Lorraine. xxx
All the best for the arrival of your new little one tone- love the little shoes. Looking forward to a new baby post this week! Thinking of you xx marnie
What cute little shoes! I agree with Linda, won't be long... especially now that you finally have that bag packed! Apparently inducing for 3rd time round is highly unlikely. All the best. Love Melissa X
Love how you're so proactive! I've had baby shoes cut out since Jan and still haven't sewn them together! I'm curious to see if they'll look as cute as yours (probably not) so I'll pull my socks up :o)
I love the shoes. I've made them before as gifts but, for some reason, not for my son ... off to make some today! The blanket is lovely, that fabric is really nice with the blue border.
I love your little shoes! I've seen that pattern, but I've been a little hesitant to try it. Looking at yours makes me want to go make some shoes!
Awesome post. I love everything in here...shoes, wrap.... and amby baby. I hope your babe loves it as much as mine did. Fingers crossed for Tuesday.
I don't think you'll be long now Toni. You'll go before Friday. I think now that the baby's bed is all made up ready to go your body will sense that you're ready and do it's thing. Good luck. Have a wonderful birth! Can't wait to hear xxxxx
Linda and co
Well I was wondering where you had got to.
Hope you are over the 'flu.
I love the baby shoes, and yes again, why don't they make them adult size?
They would make funky slippers.
I have always loved those baby hammocks, and I think it would be more natural for a baby to sleep in, and yet again, I would love to lie in something like that in the summer under the trees reading a book. Sounds like you are all prepared for the big day. I will be watching your'blog' with anticipation.
Love Auntie Lorraine.
the shoes look awesome! im sure the little one will look very cute in them.
All the best for the arrival of your new little one tone- love the little shoes. Looking forward to a new baby post this week! Thinking of you xx marnie
They are sooooo cute!
What cute little shoes!
I agree with Linda, won't be long... especially now that you finally have that bag packed!
Apparently inducing for 3rd time round is highly unlikely.
All the best.
Love Melissa
Love how you're so proactive! I've had baby shoes cut out since Jan and still haven't sewn them together! I'm curious to see if they'll look as cute as yours (probably not) so I'll pull my socks up :o)
I love the shoes. I've made them before as gifts but, for some reason, not for my son ... off to make some today! The blanket is lovely, that fabric is really nice with the blue border.
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