Saturday 15 May 2010

.Pattern Release: SPROUT.


Hello friends! Today I'm excited to announce the release of the latest edition to the Make It Perfect pattern collection, Sprout.

A dress is a girl's best friend and shouldn't have to miss out on being worn when it is cold outside. Sprout is designed to be worn when the weather cools down.

Fully lined with warm flannelette, Sprout is set off by it's pretty gathered sleeves, long flared skirt, convenient side pockets and warm hood.

No need to hibernate indoors anymore...stay cosy and chic this winter wearing Sprout!"

(P.S. Sprout makes a great summer dress lined with light cotton fabric too!)

I am SO happy with how this dress turned out. I had the idea in my head for months. I knew that Lil's love for dresses would prove to be a little tiring during winter. It would mean she would have to layer everything, and while layers are very cute, they aren't always practical when you have an almost 3 year old having a tantrum in the morning when you are trying to get out the door because she JUST WANTS TO WEAR A DRESS!!! Because Sprout is flannelette-lined it is extremely warm and cosy meaning that both Mum and daughter are happy :)

Head over to the Make It Perfect website to see more photos and check out the fabric requirements for Sprout.

If you have a store and want to stock this or any other Make It Perfect patterns, contact Creative Abundance to place an order.

If you would like to purchase a copy of Sprout for yourself, they should be popping up in retail stores very soon. Ask your favourite store to get one in for you!

I know I always say this, but seriously - how adorable is my little model Mary?? She was so fun to have modeling Sprout and is a little girl with a huge personality!!

A big shout-out to Fiona (once again) for the brilliant photography. As always, I was jumping up and down with excitement when I saw what she had captured :)

Alright, lets get the show on the road and give away a copy of Sprout. Leave a comment on this post to be in the running! For a bonus entry, post about this giveaway on your blog, then come back and leave another comment telling me you have blogged about it.

(Giveaway will close Thursday 20th May and winner will be drawn via a random number generator.)

(Post-edit...a few people have asked what fabric I have used to make the dress:
Exterior - Saffron Craig, Fantastic Fairies, Fairy Circles
Flannelette - Riley Blake, Just Dreamy, Tone on Tone Flowers in Pink)


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Jennifer said...

I love it, and what a cute name for it. My girls love wearing dresses as well, but you are so right, it is hard to stay warm. What a perfect solution.

Jodie said...

Oh this is way too cute!!! I love it. I'll be stalking online stores to get this one :)

Courtney @ Sweeter Than Cupcakes said...

What a perfect idea! I love it all. That model is too cute for words too.

Anonymous said...

oh THANKYOU for solving the dilemma of how to send your 3 year old off in a dress on a winters day without her freezing (thus saving me having to deal with the early morning tantrums when i say it's too cold for a dress!)

Sally said...

Ace dress! ...and yes a super cute model. Gorgeous!

Kathryn said...

TONI! This is seriously so cute. I so wish I had a girl to dress in this... I will, will, will be making this even if I do not win, a purchase will be made! CUTENESS is all I can say and the fact that we live where it is winter 9 months out of the year, it is a total winner. I will for sure be telling friends about this one....

Megs said...

Another gorgeous pattern from you Toni! Would love to try this for my girls, Thanks and well done!

Mandy Hawkins said...

Wow, what a gorgeous pattern. My daughters love wearing dresses too and this pattern is perfect. I'd love to know what fabric you used.
Mandy Hawkins

Lima Bean said...

Oh how I wish I had a little girl to make this for. Alas, if I win I will just have to make it for my sweet nieces.

TheAccidentalCrafter said...

I love this dress for my daughter who is also into wearing dresses in winter. It's just perfect

Rebecca said...

love it love the name can't wait to have one for Kels

Cullis Family said...

So cute!! Totally want to make one for Imogen.

~ fiona j harding ~ said...

Yay- this is so exciting Toni.
Thanks for letting me a part of the process. Love you xxx

~ fiona j harding ~ said...

PS. I am about to blog about it so here's my second comment hopiong I might win!!! Do I win Mary too? *sigh* she's so cute!!!

Kate said...

The Sprout is divine!
The two and a half year old fashion police would adore it I'm sure. Another great pattern, Thanks Toni.

Aimee said...

really love this one tone! that first pic is so sweet... want to make one for megsie!

Anonymous said...

Sprout is Gorgeous! I Love it


The Kings said...

So the suitcase pic won :) Cute dress, cute model, cute photo.

Melissa said...

As always, love it! Great work Toni! X

Becky said...

I Love it, and how great is a Winter dress!!

Hayley said...

Perfect and to cute! Cant wait to make one.

Blanche said...

I really love the fabric of this new dress Toni. Great idea to create a 'cold weather' dress.

Anonymous said...

Sprout!! What a perfect name :) I was dying to know what you would call it. Love the cover pic too...thanks again for letting me be a part of all this, it was too much fun!

Anonymous said...

oh!! be-still this mamas heart... you totally had me at flannelette lining :)

Claire said...

I love it! SO cute

rhiannon smith said...

My little girl would look totally cute in this dress- just like your lovely model! I'll be looking out for it..

Kelly said...

My girls would look so dang cute in this!! I would love a chance to win a copy!

Lisa said...

Its just gorgeous... It would look cute in a pinwhale cord too.

Kelly said...

Wow...that dress is way too cute. Thanks for the opportunity to win the pattern :)

Erin said...

Love it love it love it! That is sooo cute Toni! Can't wait to make it!

Tas said...

Oh that is just gorgeous. Love it.

kelly said...

Love, love, LOVE the sprout dress ! It is way to cute and just perfect for the cooler months ! I can't wait to purchase a pattern and start sewing !!

Susan said...

I Love it! Don't have a girl but I'd would make it for my niece or my cousin's little girl. :) Susan

Sarah said...

Oooh I can't wait to get my hands on this pattern! I'm sick of layering up my daughter so she can still wear dresses too.

Cindy said...

Oh, please! I love this!!! I NEED THIS! :)

red in oz said...

Oh gorgeous, my little one would love it.

Mel said...

Simply sweet, Sprout has definitely caught my eye and inspired a need to attempt this beautiful design!

I have also posted the giveaway on my blog.

Gorgeous model, what a very lucky girl! Thanks Toni and good luck to all :)

MelB xox

Ronnie Pearce said...

ohhhh we have not yet hit the dress in wintertime dilemma yet but now i can be prepared. this is the type or loose and long cover up i was looking for during summer to cover-up my little one when playing outside side. i cant wait to start sewing

Jennifer said...

Another great pattern - I will have to get it and add it to my to-do list for winter sewing

rosie/the fabric shopper said...

I want one in my size!! It's adorable :-) A must have pattern, for sure.

shelly said...

Beautiful pattern. So cosy and stylish!

Nikki said...

What a GREAT idea. A jacket and dress all in one. Livy is the master of having purple arms and hands as she refuses to wear something UNDER her "strappy" dresses!!
I'll get mum to make it if I win. Haha
Love the fabric too.

Little Munchkins said...

I have to say I love how this dress turned out. I just wish I could have used a prettier fabric for the exterior instead of something from my stash to match the flannelette from my stash. Next one I make, I will be sure to do it.

TheAccidentalCrafter said...

Just posted the giveaway on my blog

Ana said...

Ooooh, that's lovely!

carmel said...

i totaly love it!
i would love to mare one for my daughter
beautiful! what a great pattern!

carmel said...

and iblogged about it on my side bar

Holly said...


~Yola said...

What a sweet little dress. Something tells me my girl would love to have me make this for her!

Chelsea Parsons said...

ohh Tone, this I LOVE! But one my size!!!! How cool would that be on on a big person with boots! Might have to get this one for the girls!

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC!! nearly my new favourite.. I think you'll have to do this one is a bigger size too :) Such a wonderful idea...I have my fingers crossed!! Jacinta B

miriam sappington said...

I love this dress! My three year old (today!!) will love this, a) because it is a dress, and b) because it has POCKETS!

Karen said...

Toni this is the cutest dress!!! I'll go out on a limb here and say this is my favourite pattern that you have released....and I've got a few ;)

I've been trying since yesterday to find somewhere to buy this pattern! I need to make it for my DD who is a sz 5 now so I have no time to waste. Guess I'll just keep stalking the net to find it.

Your little model is divine.

Sew Spoiled said...

I am in love! I have two little girls who would love this dress! I love all of your patterns!! Thank you!

Carli said...

your model is perfect!! Where did you take the pics? If I win it is legit and you have to give me the pattern!

sunshinedays said...

gorgeous dress! I would love to be able to make this for all the little girls in my life :)

Nikki said...

Yet another beautiful pattern Toni. You are very clever.

melandpeter said...

What a great idea Tone. Count me in. You're getting so popular hey! 55 comments phew!

Anonymous said...

Love it, I'm sure since she seem to follow her big cousin in everything, My little miss will no doubt be a big dress wearer in the near future

Anonymous said...

Very nice!!

Pippi creates said...

What a lovely pattern, and I love that it is perfect for winter with the flannelette lining. Love it!

Liss said...

Way too cute! I can see this becoming a winter wardrobe staple for my two girls.

Erin said...

Hey Toni! It's on the blog.I think I will be late night shopping on the net tonight for fabric!

FoodMuster said...

super cute! You are a talented lady:)

Kristen said...

This is such a lovely dress. It's nice to see a dress specially for winter. I have just given birth to my second daughter so always looking for great patterns.

FoodMuster said...

Just wanted to let you know I have blogged about it:)

Bec Richardson said...

This is a super cute dress, and winter is so much harder for little girls :) please number generator, choose me.

Sally said...

Love the new Winter Dress. Can't wait to get the pattern and make it for my neice!

Christy said...

I love this new pattern - love to win it for my little girl to wear!!

Jenny said...

what a lovely dress, and perhaps in the realm of my limited ability? thanks for a chance.

jess said...

Love this dress! Can't wait to make one for my little girl.

Alison said...

Beautiful dress and how clever to make in flannel! Who'd have thunk it?! I have 3 girls who would love to wear this - please pick me!!

Beetlehouse Designs said...

My 3 year old loves dresses. She will love this over the cold periods. Thanks for designing a fantastic dress. LOVE IT!!!

Margaret said...

With my 3rd daughter due this week this would be a great pattern to add to my stash. I love your patterns and so do the girls, they would love mummy to make them dresses for winter.

Caitlin said...

Oh so cute!! I've always wanted to have a winter dress pattern for little girls. Here's exactly what I want.


Selina said...

Love this! It's fantastic!

Messy Karen said...

love Sprout. i so would have worn this when i was little.

Tanya said...

Congratulations Toni, the dress looks great- I love the photos and the fabric you have used as well- and that photo with the apple tree? Just gorgeous

Jonglören said...

I live in Sweden and I hope we foreigners are allowed in the GiveAway aswell because I am absolutely in loooooove with this dress!!!!

Beetlehouse Designs said...

Back just to say I have left the blog details on my blog.

Jonglören said...

I´m back only to tell you that I have written in my blog about your GiveAway. AND borrowed a picture...hope that is okay. Otherwise I will erase it again. Just let me know.

Liten og stilig said...

Lovely dress;-) It is really cute!

Nanna said...

I love this! Cute!

Charity said...

This is really lovely - thank you for a great looking new pattern!

stuart434 AT shaw DOT ca

Heather said...

I love it!!! What more could a little girl want than a dress with a hood and pockets! I have three little girls that would love a dress like that :)

Miss Amy said...

Love it! And I completely sympathise with the 3 year old who just wants to wear a dress! My 5 year old DD hates sports day at school because not only does she not get to wear pink, she has to wear pants! PRINCESSES WEAR DRESSES MUM!! I am frequently told!!

Bek said...

Funny how 3 year old girls are all so different, but can be so similar. My little blondie loves her dresses too! Count me in for this giveaway!

linny said...

Very cute model, very cute dress & very cute name. Sprout, I just love it

Ingrid said...

Oh Good Lord! How cool is Sprout? And your model is totally working the look!

Clares Place said...

count me in! love it

Kel said...

What a great idea!
The dress looks lovely.

Megan said...

what a lovely print.

rachelmp said...

Finally a post up on my blog! This dress is a real winner Toni, and Maya loves how snuggly it is x

Anonymous said...

This looks fabulous! the perfect dress for my little girls.

DeannaLynn said...

I absolutely love this dress! I want to make one for every girl in the family.

KathyB said...

What a PERFECT pattern, Can't wait to make for my granddaughters!!

Jo said...

Gorgeous dress, very practical. I think my niece and Goddaughter both need one!

booharts said...

I have the cutest model aka Logan, my first grandchild, for this dress.

Anonymous said...

Love this pattern & see one on all three of my gorgeous Grand Daughters, Thanks Toni! from Cathy

Anonymous said...

I am off to find out how to buy one of these patterns, it is truly beautiful and looks very practical as well.

~ Kim ~ said...

It's the perfect Autumn/Winter outfit. Great job!

Amber said...

I saw this on Flikr - so cute!!

Sena said...

This is too cute! I would love it for my niece!
sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot]com

Jelaine Blythman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Little Alligator said...

Beautiful! I wish I had girls! :)

Vic said...

Oh yum! What a gorgeous pattern & a fabulous idea - perfect for my little Punk heading out into the cold southern Victorian winter!

Little Miss S. said...

What a pretty pattern. I know a little girl who would love a Sprout herself.

Darcy said...

What an adorable pattern - if I don't win it I'll be buying it for sure :-)

Three Dancing Magpies said...

Brillilant new pattern, can't wait!

Jess said...

SO gorgeous! love it

Tanjas Traumberg said...

That's sooooo nice! I would loooove to sew Sprouts for my girls!

Greetings from Germany,


Knicky Knacks said...

Oh my goodness - count me in. My 3 year old would look adorable in this and so perfect for the onslaught of winter.

Pattij said...

REally cute pattern! Would love to win!

Rainbow JenJen said...

Ooh what a brilliant idea for little girly girls who love their dresses ;)

Rainbow JenJen said...

I've just linked you in a blog post ;)

amy said...

Love it, I have 3 girls and they all love dresses and hoods so I can't imagine that this wouldn't be a favorite!!

Jessica Jo said...

I love it! messy_mcspud @ hotmail . com

Mare said...

That is such a nice dress!
Greetings from Chile!

Vickie said...

love this dress, so cute!! vickienae(at)gmail(dot)com

Genevieve P said...

What an adorable dress! My girls would love it. I"m already dreaming up fabric combos... I think a fine wale corduroy would be great! thanks for the giveaway!
parknj at verizon dot net

Jerri said...

I love it! I'd love to make it! I'm now a fan.

Taylor said...

cute photos!!!

ilovebabyquilts said...

Super cute pattern and little girl!

Moa said...

adorable, I'd love to make that.

lesleyandsara said...

this pattern is to die for!! i have 3 little girls who would look so adorable in SPROUT!

Stephanie said...

Please enter me for this drawing. There's a little girl in my family that would look adorable in a dress like this.

Melissa Ann said...

I am in love with this cute hooded dress! What a great design!

Janna said...

This is so adorable!

Jennifer S. said...

I'm in love with this dress!

Desiree said...

How adorable. This is seriously so utterly cute. Thanks for the chance to win!

Leigh said...

Absolutely beautiful, and perfect for my dress-loving daughters!

Jessica said...

What a cute dress pattern, I love it! Thanks for the opportunity!

Rebecca said...

would look awesome on my little girl! great pattern!

sarah said...

oh, this pattern is wonderful! would love to give it a try!

Katie Bishop said...

I would love to make one for my daughter Eden!

Shayla Sharp said...

Goodness, but that is adorable (where was this when I was a kid!). I love it!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love it, yet another gorgeous pattern, you are just so clever! Looking forward to making this for my Libby.
Cheers Peta

Anonymous said...

oh my that dress is beautiful!!

Emma :)
qotfu72 (at)

Laura said...

lovely photos and a really cute dress! As a mom of a year round girlie girl, I'd love this pattern :)


Danielle @ said...

fabulous pattern...I would love to win a copy.

Miss Prickly said...

That is one fine dress.

Natalie said...

Oooooh this is just gorgeous! My little miss would look adorable in one of these, will have to put it on my list!

Natalie said...

Just posted on my blog too!

Hannah said...

My nieces would love matching dresses like this!

Anonymous said...

This is so Awesome!! My daughter would love this dress! She was sad to stop wearing dresses over the winter.
Thanks for the chance!!!
steeplechaser29 *at* yahoo * com

Tania said...

Talk about the Giveaway Queen! This pattern looks so good I reckon it would get me away from the knitting sticks. And in this frosty weather, that's saying something!

Danielle said...

adorable! I love the dress with the hood! Too Cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I would love to make this for my daughter for our Christmas trip. Thanks for having a giveaway!

Emma said...

I love it! What a great dress for the cooler weather, perfect with tights and boots!

Cricket said...

I just came over from Sew Mama Sew, but I've added you to my reader. Gosh but your patterns are freaking aDORable! A wintery warm hoody dress? Ye, please! And one in my size as well.

kathy said...

do the boots come with? I love the boots the adorable model is wearing. Perfect with the dress.

janaemadsen said...

such a neat pattern- I hope I win

Mama Lusco said...

Adorable! Thank you!

Leah said...

What a cute little pattern!

Jo's Place said...

That is just so so cute, love it :)

Deb Cameron said...

Would love to win, but will chase up my local 'Funky Fabrix' store to get this one in!

Marnie said...

This is my favourite pattern of yours so far. I love it and will definately be buying one if I don't win. And I don't even have a girl....

Anonymous said...

Love this pattern!!

Victoria said...

I love this pattern and have three little girlies who need this dress.

Melissa said...

Love this dress! It would look so sweet on my daughter!

Little Cooties said...

SUCH a sweet dress! I love it!

Penelope said...

I've just been looking for winter dress patterns!!! I'm still a beginner sewer, so I'll think I'll pass this onto my husbands gran, who at 86 is still making most of my 2 and 4 year old girls' wardrobes LOL

alissa222 at gmail dot com

Gill said...

Great pattern - and what a beautiful child!!


Narelle said...

Oh my goodness! This dress is just divine! I've only just started making clothes for my little girl in the past 6 months or so. I'd love ot make this for her!!

Lisa said...

Perfect pattern for this super cold snap that seems to have hit us!

Silka said...

Love it!

silkaphyllis at

Susie said...

Oh wow! Sooo lovely with the hoodie!! Definitely on my wish-list!

~ fiona j harding ~ said...

Yay Toni!
Thanks for everything :D
Love you xxx

Lichtlein said...

WOW, what a wonderful idea!
I'm deeply impressed.

Kind regards from Germany
Claudia alias

PJ said...

I love the fabric you've used to model this one, it sells it to me!

FridoLi said...

Very cute dress!! My daughter would love it! :-)

Unknown said...

what a cute dress, it's just gorgeous

alana cannon said...

would look great on my three beautiful grandaughters love it

Stephi said...

WOW, my daughter will love this!!!
You did a good job, congratulations.

Cara said...

What a great idea for a winter dress, the choices are so limited!

db said...

LOVE IT!!!!! Too cute!

merlinthecat said...

That is the cutest pattern ever!

Dresden Quilter said...

What an incredible dress! The pattern is fantastic. Thanks for the giveaway.

Fowl Single File said...

Mary is adorable, and so is the pattern. You amaze me!

Unknown said...

Too cute! Both the dress and Mary. My little ones are getting bigger now- but they would still love a dress like this.

Anonymous said...

A fabulous dress. I love it and my little girl would love it too. Count me in!

Jimi said...

What a way cute sprout!!

meg.. said...

Darling dress! Thanks for the giveaway.

Krystina said...

I am in love with this pattern! Hope I win!

Dr. Bec said...

ooh, awesome pattern--pick me!

Katie said...

OH MY GOSH! I love it, it is absolutely darling! I would love to win and if I don't I am buying! :)

jane said...

Cute, cute, cute pattern. Have to have that one.

Unknown said...

this is so sweet

sew happy Stacy said...

I love all your patterns. You are so clever. My little girl loves wearing dresses in all weather, too.

tatgurl said...

this would be perfect for my baby girl!

CraftyHourMom said...

what a gorgeous and practical pattern! I love it!

Rochelle said...

Super cute... living in FL a little lightweight coat like this would come in handy!! Great pictures too.

Samantha S said...

Oh how adorable! I would love to make this for my daughter. :)

Kimberly said...

What a fabulous pattern. I know more than a few little girls would love to have this made for them. Thank you for the giveaway!

Brooke said...

Love this pattern! I would love to win a pattern!

Anonymous said...

Oh super cute!

Danielle said...

Perfect ideaa, for those dress loving girls, i have been wondering how to get around the whole dress thing over winter.

Abbington said...

Great idea! And perfect timing for the southern hemisphere...

happy said...

Oh I love it, I could make one eachh for my kids.
Thank You for this chance,

mamaTAVE said...

Oh my goodness, that is adorable. And so is the model, for sure!

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