I was crusing along nicely into my 29th year, happily un-pierced (much to my Father's delight) when I started making earrings. I thought it was a weird thing to start doing as I couldn't even wear them myself, but requests were coming in so I obliged.
And then the earrings kept getting cuter and cuter and finally it was decided that it would be done.

So on the last day of 2010, this is what we did. My lovely sister-in-law Ashleigh held my hand and almost fainted and I cringed...don't believe it when people tell you it doesn't hurt because IT DOES!
(Photo stolen from Mrs King, and I'm due for a visit to the hairdresser!)
Oh you did it!! You are SO brave. Seems I must be the last person left that doesn't have their ears pierced and sadly now that you have painted such a glowing picture, I don't think I will be rushing out in any hurry LOL. Yours look gorgeous though! Well done on being brave
xx Janelle
Congratulations on braving the piercing gun (I remember being pretty scared when I had mine done too). I love the expression on your sister-in-laws face. She looks so excited for you!
You look slightly terrified!!! Now Toni, you've had 3 children, getting your ears pierced DOES NOT HURT!!!!! A slight sting maybe! Glad you got them done. But how is pappa bear handling it?
Oh you are a brave soul....I still remember the pain of getting mine done in my teens and never again :)
woo whoo! i know i what im sending you for your birthday!!! ;) !!!! xxx
ouch! the gun does hurt, much more than when they're pierced with a needle! congrats on taking the plunge though!
in the last photo, what is what you're making called? one of my good friends is australian, and one year we had a picnic in the park for her birthday and she made it for us. was it fairy bread?
Hahahaha - glad you FINALLY did it!!!! :D
It does NOT hurt, you big baby ;) Love that you can now wear your citrus pop!! :)
ha ha - funny. Glad you can steal my photo :)
Yay go girl how easy whas that!!! enjoy all the gorgeous earrings you can now wear, what ever takes your fancy :))
Tone, you look so good with your ears pierced!! love it!
love whit
You brave girl! Luckily for me, my Mum got mine done before I was one! What did your Dad say?
oh how fun for you! I was pretty old before I got mine pierced as well, in college. My dad didn't like the idea at all growing up but now most of my 8 sisters have theirs pierced too after we moved out we all decide it was something we wanted.
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