Most days, our table is a mess of pencils, sticky tape, scissors and tons and tons of paper. No matter how many times I quickly pack it up during the day, it isn't long before they notice and get everything out again to do some more making. As much as the mess drives me crazy, I really do love that they love to draw, cut, stick and create awesome stuff every day.
Today was particularly funny...Oscar was busy making something at the table, I was in the lounge room watching the events of Cyclone Yasi unfold and heard Oscar call out to Lil, "Lilsy...I made you a new t-shirt, come and see!"
I am so absolutely happy to tell you that my Mum made a cape from your book Make it Perfect. You can see her work in my blog It just amazed me that a 60+ year old sewed from your pattern so easily. ;)
OMG that is so adorable! Can I please have one just like him! What a lucky little sister!
So sweet!
ha ha ha - taking after his mother and soooooo cute!
that is applique my style oscar! I'm sure lilsy loves it.
What a cutie!! :))
I just want to cuddle your boy. Absolutely gorgeous!
sooo cute ocski......
That is sooooo sweet! What a poppet :)
That is just's moments like that you need to record forever...
just too gorgeous for words....
what a sweetheart! this is the best thing i have seen in a while!
This t-shirt will be on in no time!!!
What a darling!
That's totally awesome!!!
tooooo stinkin' cute!
That is one to store in the memory bank and remind him when he's finding his sister annoying in a few years. What a great big brother!
Hi Toni,
I am so absolutely happy to tell you that my Mum made a cape from your book Make it Perfect. You can see her work in my blog It just amazed me that a 60+ year old sewed from your pattern so easily. ;)
Aww that is so sweet!
How sweet, he sounds like a lovely boy! Had to laugh at his crafty style...
That is so cute & VERY clever thinking...It sounds like your table looks just like mine!!!
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