(that was a really long sentence, huh?)
So, the move went amazingly well. We had some wonderful helpers and have settled into our new home. The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I asked Oscar if he liked this house or our old one better and he said this one because it is more fun to play with Lilsy here :) The space is much better, it isn't a great deal bigger, but much better design. The deck is AWESOME! Still to finish the seats and screens (hopefully in the next couple of weeks) but the floor is done and is already proving to be a brilliant place for the small-frys to run and ride and sit and swim. And I can see them from the loungeroom, kitchen, dining room AND studio.

The front door is still my favourite. The scarlet turned out a lot more pink than red but I'm happy with it. Jaron would have preferred more red, but perhaps that's because he is a boy?!
So while all is fine and dandy with the house we have had a run of bad luck since moving in - hopefully not bad karma in the house? :( One car has needed a new gearbox and the other had a huge rock thrown through the back windscreen, also smashing the glove box inside which has left us with no cars at all for the last 2 weeks. Our computer got a CD stuck in it and we need to replace the whole disc drive. My washing machine wouldn't hook up and I had to get the repair man in to fix it. Jaron built a letterbox and the next day someone knocked a hole through it.
I keep telling myself to breathe and not think about the bad too much. When something good and exciting happens in our lives we are always greeted with a wave of not-so-good stuff (perhaps to keep us humble?) but we always get through it. Life goes on, the bills will get paid eventually and at the end of the day I've got a scarlet door (and that's all that really matters, right?!)
(oh, and there are no indoor shots of the house yet because it is seriously MESSY! I finally met my deadline for the "big project" this morning {HORRAY} and have been spending all day and all night until 1:20am for the last week sewing, typing and ironing out the kinks. I am exhausted but so excited to have it behind me and get my life back again!)
How lovely it would be to come home to that front entrance, and that deck must be wonderful for the kids. It's great to have a play area where you can see!
Toni, its perfect! I bet you are so pleased and should be really proud of yourselves, and your scarlet door
Looks completely amazing!!! I am a little "green" with envy! Green is my all time fave color followed by Red so it really is PERFECT! I want that deck!!! Enjoy :)
Oh yes having a scarlet door is a priority but I just love the green walls ! All the best settling in .
I am loving that scarlet door... i am so proud of your colour combinations too..
Congratulations on the move and dont think about Karma nd all that c..p because the same happened to us ..two car accidents in two days..nothing major mind but still costly...
see you on the weekend...
LOVE it Toni! Must feel great to be in and will be even better when the dust settles!
Linda xx
love love love love it!!!!!!! i cant wait to see more!!! i love the door! and the green inside! xxxxx
I love your green wall and scarlet door. What a blessing to have such a beautiful place to call home. :-)
Soooo nice Tone!! I actually love the scarlet door. It is pink, but still very cool :)
You are smashingly bright and wonderful. Love ya Tone xox
Love your house Toni! But most of all soooo glad you're back! The internet just hasn't been the same without a little dose of Toni!! x
looks great toni! Love the red/pink door - my bro has one and I'm sure it is symbolic of something??? Does someone have it in for you guys first the car then the letter box!! How annoying - having no car is HARD!
Yay! How exciting! (Not so exciting about all the dramas...perhaps the house is haunted?)Can't wait to visit
Love Fil x
I absolutely LOVE the scarlet door! AND the green walls! Totally cool. Sucks about all the bad stuff, but you're totally awesome door makes up for it =P
What a happy-fun-bright home!!
(Not so good about all the bad stuff happening but isn't it always the way!)
Very vibrant and very sexy pic of thyself. I saw a green knife set and knife block today and thought it might go in the kitchen?
I can't believe you have moved house and finished the big project!
Congratulations - and well done I have to say.
Love the colours - and the deck. We lived with our deck for a while then decided to cover it - best move ever - the girls are out there dancing and riding bikes and scooters rain, hail or shine.
It must feel so good to be in your new beautiful home- love the colours and fantastic deck! Wish I had of been able to have a tour when i was in Tas...I hope the little housewarming present i sent has arrived! Great to have you back in blogland...Ive missed reading your posts! xx
Hey Toni, Congrats on your new calling, and I am happy that you have finally moved into your house.
It is great that you can see the kids from so many windows. The colours are really 'happy' colours, and it would brighten even the gloomiest days.
Love Auntie Lorraine.
Your new house looks awesome! Love all the color, can't wait to see the inside. I love the red door, I've always wanted one of those too!
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