I've got THREE giveaways happening...feel free to enter all of them...everything is made by me!
Make It Perfect Pinny #2 kit
One Make It Perfect Pinny #2 pattern
Fabric to make Pinny #2 in sizes 6 months - 5 years (winner to specify)
{Fabric information:
Wendy Slotboom, Treetop Birds in Brown
Wendy Slotboom, Retro Stripe in Red
Jennifer Moore, Mingle, Circles in Espresso
Blue unknown}
Make It Perfect Pinny #2 kit
One Make It Perfect Pinny #2 pattern
Fabric to make Pinny #2 in sizes 6 months - 5 years (winner to specify)
{Fabric information:
Wendy Slotboom, Treetop Birds in Brown
Wendy Slotboom, Retro Stripe in Red
Jennifer Moore, Mingle, Circles in Espresso
Blue unknown}

Don't forget to enter my other giveaways...
Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway #1
Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway #2
And my new pattern release, Sprout giveaway is still opened too!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 353 Newer› Newest»I really like this pattern! And the fabric is gorgeous... crossing my fingers and toes!
Lovely prize - this would suit my daughter down to the ground!
You're so generouse with all these giveaways that your offering. Thank you so much.
Love the fabric choices :)
It's all so gorgeous - I'd love to win!
Surely I can win one of these!! Thanks for the giveaways Toni! You're a gem! X
wow, your giveaways are amazing! I would love to win this one and I would have to have the circles in Espresso!
pretty pretty
Another gorgeous pattern Toni. I'd love to be in the giveaway - thanks
Such a cute pattern and cute dress!
Adorable!!!!! All your giveaways are amazing!
What fantastic giveaways! I love the fabric choices, they would make a perfect pinny.
*WOW* So many give-aways, so much generosity :) Count me in for the chance to win :) Size 5 :) Mel xox
I think I could tacklet this pattern now!
That fabric is beautiful!! Love it!
This makes me want to sew! so pretty:)
The pattern and fabric is wonderful. I hope that I win.
I SEW want to win this!!!
What a fabulous giveaway!! I'd love to make this up for my littlest!
I've got my sewing machine out ready! Here's hoping :)
lovely prizes you are so generous!
Please pick me I never win anything.
I really love that bird fabric, anything with birds has me won over, Thanks Toni from Cathy
I love this pattern. I already have Pinny #1, so Pinny #2 would be perfect, my 5 year old would love a new dress.
I love these fabrics and the pattern. Great giveaways, thanks :)
I love the unknown blue fabric - it's gorgeous!
Thanks for the chance to win!
The fabric is so lovely in this pack.
Loving the Pinny dress. Your designs are so simple and lovely.
Love that pattern :) Such gorgeous fabric too. What a super giveaway!
I love your patterns Toni and would love to enter your giveaway. Thanks.
I love the blue fabric! Enter me please!
Wow awesome giveaways Toni!! y daughter would love this!
Wonderful fabric and wonderful pattern... mY girls are going to fight over the first one I make... I will hold you responsible!! LOL
xo Steph
Pretty fabric!
i love love love the birdy fabric! you and obviously have a love of cute bird prints in common :)
Greetings from Sweden! I was happy to see you ship worldwide so I don't want to miss the chance to win your cute pattern and the lovely fabrics. Not that I have a little girl of my own to sew for but my friends do so I'll keep my fingers crossed :-)
I love the fabric! Thanks for the chance!
sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot]com
love that fabric
Love the fabric. Would have to get my mum to make this .... have only ever succeeded sewing a pillow case in the past :)
Naaaaaw, so sweet, what a giveaway star you are!
love the fabrics!
That fabric looks great together...such a great giveaway- thanks!
Love the pattern. And the fabric. So much gorgeousness here.
You are a popular girl Toni! Check out all the comments!
Gorgeous fabric! I'd love to be entered!
What great fabric you have chosen for the giveaway - so greaaaat! Greetings over the ocean! Zora
Gorgeous giveaway!! count me in!
I love that pinny! The fabric's pretty great too. Thanks for your generosity.
X Amelia
ameliasliedrecht at yahoo dot com
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ANY of your great giveaways!
Love this! I hope I win!!!! :)
the pattern is gorgeous!
I am hosting a giveaway come over to my place, if you can.
xo Bine
oh oh these too :)
kawaii x
my little girl love this pinnie! so generous....
EEEk that fabric would make a beautiful Pinny!
I love this pattern...
i especially love the fabric you've chosen here.. another beautiful giveaway!!
haha, the characters i have to type to verify this post is "likem" and its so true about these giveaway items, i sure do likem!
Truly, a third giveaway!!!! WOW. Count me in again. I can feel it in my waters - it may just be my lucky day!
As I said before: I would love to win EVERYTHING you make!
I'm sooo happy I found your blog. Thanks to Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day!
Greetings from Germany,
Wow! Those are some fun fabrics. I'd love a chance to make that dress.
Would sure like to win this one! So cute!
Such cute fabric in these! I love the patterns too!
I'm a new follower!
Love your talent ;)
adorable fabric! thanks for the giveaway :)
Love the pattern and the fabric! Thank you for this great giveaway!
The fabric for the pattern is awesome!
I think that would look perfect on my daughter. Yes indeed thanks
This fabric is wonderful! Thank you for this giveaway!
this one is unbalivable!
i would love to win
thanks alot!
take care!
Oh my daughter would just be adorable in this dress. Pick me! PS. I am anxiously awaiting some free time to try your Kaftan pattern.
Such a cute pattern.
cute stuff for a cutie =P
Love the fabric!
Love Love love!
Crossing my fingers!
so awesome!!
Awesome! You are so generous!
Thanks for the chance to win--would love to make this for my daughter.
How beautiful, thanks for a chance to win.
thanks for the giveaway. I love all the fabrics you've chosen.
Great giveaway i cant believe you have 3 going on..hope i get to win one of them LOL
I am also joining in the fun and hosting a giveaway stop by when u can
I really like all the patterns, but the fabric to make them is included! This is my giveaway!
Greetings from Chile!
Yes please! messy_mcspud @ hotmail . com
That fabric is to die for! Thanks for the chance!
great giveaway! vickienae(at)gmail(dot)com
Beautiful fabrics, I would love try your pattern. I have sweet little girl who would be the perfect model. Thanks for the giveaway, hope to win :)
Oh I love the bird fabric! And pinafores are so cute! thanks for the giveaway!
parknj at verizon dot net
What a great giveaway! Love the pattern!
I love the pattern and the fabric! I would love to make this dress for my little girls! Thanks for the great giveaways.
Loce the pattern! crafts(dot)petersen(at)gmail(dot)com
Seriously, awesome patterns!
Lovely giveaway!
I'd love to make that for my little girl.
LOVE these! Have a beautiful and fantastic day! I'll be blowing a dandylion wish in honor of this today! Be blessed!
Too cute! I love this pattern. My brother is having a baby in November... who will obviously be too small to wear this for quite a while, but I could get ahead right? :)
loving this fabric and pattern!
you may be my new favorite person :)
Omygosh I have to win this one! I need that fabric, and the pattern.
I like your style. It`s wonderful.
Fabric makes my heart go pitter patter!
You are so unbelievably generous! Thanks!
love it - you are too generous! Thanks for the chance!
So many giveaways and so lovely things. The patterns are lovely!
This fabric is nothing less than fabulous! I love it!
My friend's daughter needs this dress! It is just so darn cute!
Thanks for the giveaways!
Love it! The fabric is great!
WOW ! So unbelieveably generous in your giveaways... thank so much for the oppotunity to enter ! Would love to win ANYTHING of yours !
Love the fabrics!!!
daisy41203 (at) gmail (dot) com
Neato fabrics!
Favorite giveaway so far...Thanks for the chance..
pick me please!!!!
Cute dress, cute fabric.
WOW great giveaway! Thanks!
Oh so lovely this pattern, how generous you are!!!!!
Lovely fabric and great pattern. I would LOVE to win it! Thanks again for your generosity!
My daughter would love this dress!! Thank you!
By far this is my favorite giveaway listed on Sew Mama Sew!! I hope I win and can sew this for my daughter!!
This would be perfect for my niece
I love those fabric selections. What great taste!
Great prize. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I have girls who are 1 and 3, and this pattern would be SO sweet on them!
Wow, so generous! Thanks!
What a cute pattern.
I would love that pattern. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love that pattern! Thanks for the great giveaway!
That dress pattern is SO cute! Just in case I don't win, I'm adding it to my "must have" list!
Everything is so cute! Thanks for giving :)
I love the pattern and the fabrics are so cute!
really really nice patterns
wow! this is the one I'm most hoping I win!
Ohhhh so daughter would love it!! xoxoxo
How is it I have never seen your patterns before. So beautiful!
What a great giveaway - really like the look of your patterns.
I don't really have any little people to sew for but have been itching to sew for a little I enter.
I would love the pattern and the fabric is so cute! Thanks a lot for the chance to win it! :)
What a gorgeous pattern!
urchiken at gmail dot com
I'd love to win! Very generous.
My girlie totally needs a new dress. This is too sweet!
What a generous giveaway!
Lovely pattern :)
Holy smokes at the giveaways here! I like this pattern - perfect for my daugther.
Love that fabric! So pretty. Thanks for the chance!
Love that bird fabric!
Please count me in!
Emma :)
qotfu72 (at)
I'd love to be included in this one :) thankyou
This would be grand to make up for my daughter.
Oh this fabric is gorgeous and that pinny pattern looks so cute. Thank you for the chance at this giveaway.
You've outdone yourself Toni!
What a cute pattern! I know a little girl who would love to wear it. Thanks for the opportunity.
These are so very cute as well. I'd be so lucky to win!
your giveaways are amazing!! i love the fabric and the pattern. thank you so much!!!
I really want the fabric and pattern :)
The pattern and fabric are adorable!
All your giveaways are so wonderful!!! I want to enter to all of them XD your creations are very inspirational
love your giveaways, please enter my name in your lovely drawing
All of your giveaways are so great. thanks
You are so generous! I love the fabric. Thank you!
Thetottery AT gmail DOT com
Such a cute pattern! my baby girl is turning 2 next month and this would be a great gift!
I love the font and the graphics that you use on your blog.
Cute display of your giveaway offerings. Very unique. I love the pattern and fabric too
Adorable! I'd love to win!
Excellent fabrics!
three giveaways! so generous :)
Beautiful work! Thanks for having a giveaway!
Gorgeous pattern and fabric, thanks for a great giveaway
Oh, this is great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Awesome fabrics!
All the fabrics go so well together.
I love that pattern - the only hard part would be deciding whether to make it for my older girl or my younger one! I guess probably the older one - then the younger one could wear it in a few years!
steeplechaser29 *at* yahoo *dot* com
My favourite pinny pattern!
The treetop bird fabric is perfect! I love it! Thanks for the chance to win such lovely items!
aww the little dress is so cute, would love to win it.
I love that fabric and pattern... my daughter would be thrilled! Thanks for the chance :)
Great items!
elle8130 (at) yahoo (dot) com
lovin the fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!
This is beautiful!! Thanks again for your giveaways!
Love! Hope I win:) Thanks for the giveaway
How incedibly generous you are. I love this fabric and have not one, but two girls to sew for. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hooray for Toni and Make it Perfect- thanks for 3 lovely giveaways!
Okay, you got me. Wendy Slotboom? Gosh I just love her.
I have to say that there are many great giveaways today, and yours are definitely right up there at the top with the cream. Just perfectly lovely.
I love your prize package!
I love this prize package!t
Adorable pattern and lovely fabrics!
love the fabric and colors.
I super want to win this one.
Love this! Thank you!
goodness this is adorable! my grand daughter needs this dress :)
Love those fabrics! Count me in!
This fabric is beautiful!
Wonderful pattern and beautiful fabric!
ok this one made me feel giddy too :)
would love to win this!
So generous! This pattern is adorable--thanks for the chance to win!
My niece would look gorgeous in this!
Toni your giveaways are so generous. I love this fabric
Lovely fabric and patterns!
wow those birds! Thanks!
Thank you!
Please pick me!!!
i like the treetops birds fabric!
Gorgeous fabric! Thanks again for having a giveaway.
Please please please let it be me!!!
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