So I go the el-cheapo option of buying plain tops for less than $5 each and dressing them up with a bit of applique. I particularly like this because the tops are so cheap that I don't mind them being worn as play clothes but they don't look daggy!

Once I've settled on a design (the part that takes the longest for me!) the actual applique only takes a very short time and I managed to make 3 for Tommy and 2 for Lil one evening this week.

Tommy is s..l..o..w..l..y starting to get more mobile. He has recently worked out how to pull himself to standing whilst holding onto furniture and thinks he is SO clever :)

P.S. I'm more than happy for you to use any of my applique ideas for your own personal use!
THat giraffe is SO cute!!!! They all lok great, and I agree, isnt it hard to find 'nice' age approapriate clothes.
Nic xxx
That's so clever and the tops look fantastic. What a great way to spruce up a few tops.
They are all so cute but that giraffe is darling!
That giraffe is gorgeous! So clever! I'm with you on the inappropriate prints on most Target and Kmart t-shirts - you are certainly better off with plain home-decorated t-shirts if you ask me (especially when Mum is as talented as you!!).
I really like the giraffe one. It bothers me that to clothing manufacturers these days, boys = skull & crossbones.
O how I love that giraffe!
Cute tops for a cute boy! Especially love the giraffe one!
Hi! I am a Tasmanian living in Japan, and I read your blog regularly (and own quite a few of your patterns!).
I am due to have my first little babe in September (a boy), and I am of the same opinion as you when it comes to branding and mass produced, trashy looking clothes.
Thank you for the ideas for the applique - it's definitely the direction that I want to go in the future. The t-shirts you made are really lovely! :-)
I love the giraffe top - shame I'm too old to wear it myself!
you are so right about the boys clothes! and i really like more fitted tops and the cute ones i find are usually just the baggy ts. And you're even moreright about it taking forever to come up with a design! ihave shirts just sitting in my room waiting for ideas. i've been doing a lot of the freezer paper stenciling too, and just making the shirts. where did you find such cute blank shirts?!
They are all adorable, and simple! Love them!
LOVE the guitar! They are all adorable!
I was so impressed with your giraffe applique that I featured it today on my "Wednesday's Wowzer's." Thank you so much for sharing! Here is the link:
Have a super day!
Zeer mooi gedaan....
I was inspired by your giraffe shirt I saw on pinterest. I decided to give it a go...it's similar to yours, but the giraffe is a bit different. Here's mine if you're interested:
Thanks for the inspiration!
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