Christmas Day comes and goes too fast. We have all of my extended family staying this year and have had an amazing time. It's especially special for the kids to have their cousins to play with - constant entertainment and fun!
We carried on the tradition of decorating our cookie lolly houses a few days before Christmas. Always a highlight...and I have to remind myself to switch off Mother-mode and let the kids go crazy on the only happens once a year and they love it!
(A quick tip if you are doing these sometime...we cook up a bit of toffee over the stove and stick the houses together with that for the kids first. It dries rock hard straight away and eliminates tears and tantrums about walls caving in or roofs falling down whilst waiting for the icing to dry!) 
The night before Christmas...
Finally Christmas morning arrived! I love their smiles and excitement as they open presents from Santa.

We were blessed with a beautiful, warm and sunny Christmas day so spent the morning playing at the playground testing the limits of the big swing. Let's just say it can hold a lot of weight and go really, really high!

Back at Mum & Dad's house we opened presents under the tree with the whole family. Then feasted on a MASSIVE turkey cooked by Dad in the webber with all the trimmings.
Sam choose the perfect present for Ty. A super cool puppet - he has a new best friend and entertained us all Christmas evening with his comedy act!
In the evening we headed down to the beach to meet up with lots of cousins, aunties, uncles and friends for some beach cricket, frisbee and a swim.

And that's Christmas for 2012 all over and done with...I think we all felt like crashing with Tommy and Micah on the loungeroom floor!

I am new to your blog after searching for a thermo recipe x beautiful family thanks for sharing your cooking too , bron
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