Sunday 20 July 2014

.Taking Stock #1.

Making: dresses galore...for a couple of new patterns to be revealed very soon!

Cooking: a butterscotch self-saucing pudding for Sunday night dessert.

Drinking: Ecco. I don't know what made me want it all of a sudden, but I remember my parents and grandparents drinking it all the time and I'm hooked!

Reading: The Fault in Our Stars. I finished this book in 3 days (fast for me!). It was so good. Easy to read, super sad. I was sobbing on the couch at 1am one night trying to get it finished! I don't read much anymore, I love reading but don't make time for it like I used to so it was a nice break to stick my nose in a book for a bit.

a new camera lens. Has been on the "wish list" for a long time...still waiting...

foward to moving into our new house at the end of the year.

Playing: with my new overlocker. Seriously...the best sewing purchase I have ever made. Did I mention it threads itself and has automatic tension? It is AMAZING!!!

Deciding: on what knitting pattern to tackle next. I'm swaying towards a shawl.
Wishing: that I could spend less time at the computer and more time on things that I want to do.

Enjoying: Tangellos. One of favourite fruits.

Waiting: for the kids to go back to school so I can get back into routine and stop eating so many delicious and naughty treats!

Liking: that I washed the floors yesterday.

Wondering: what to sew next for myself out of my long list of selfish sewing projects. This pattern may win.

Loving: this photo with my Mum and sisters.

Pondering: my brain is too tired to ponder.

Considering: carpet and paint colours for the new house. Too hard to choose.

Watching: Thursday night Suits.

Hoping: that Harvey sleeps past 7am for the last morning of the school holidays tomorrow.

Marvelling: at the world we are blessed with.

Needing: to start exercising again.

Smelling: cold, crisp air outside - it's going to be a frost tonight.

Wearing: my boots. Pretty much every day. My Winter accessory.

Following: one of my favourite inspirations on Instagram: @confettis

Noticing: little fingerprints - everywhere! How does such a small person leave a trail wherever he goes?

Knowing: that children grow up too fast.

Thinking: I need to go on a fabric-buying fast. My stash is out of control.

Feeling: the sun. A Winter's day blessing when the sun comes out and the house gets hot without the heater and the kids can play outside.

Admiring: All of the lovely makes in my Make It Perfect Pattern Parade.

Sorting: through the giant pile of Lego on the sewing room floor. Oscar and I decided that it would be easier to find pieces if we sorted the Lego into colour groups...what was I thinking?! Like any project, once I'm committed I'm in for the long haul and find myself sorting little plastic blocks through out the day!

Buying: from online shops is addictive and dangerous! Especially when you live away from decent shops...particuarly bad after midnight when tiredness fogs your better judgement!

Getting: meal plans ready for the next two weeks.

Bookmarking: ideas for Lil's "make your own jewellery" themed 7th birthday party. Like these cute invitations we made with a free download from here.
Disliking: sad news on the TV.

Opening: cookbooks. I haven't used a real cookbook for a long time.

Giggling: at Tommy's funny little conversations today. Like how his bran is really in his elbow and his stomach is in his head.

Feeling: sad because I stopped breastfeeding Harvey when I wasn't ready. But he chipped his top tooth and it now has a really sharp edge that was so painful when he fed. Another chapter over.

Snacking: Saladas with butter. So good!

the lovely Summery photos showing up from the other side of the world on my Instagram feed.

Wishing: for a cleaning fairy to come and scrub my house.

Helping: 5 people at the same time. Mums (and wives) are tricky like that!

Hearing: talking, laughter, playing, fighting from 4 little ones who have been on school holidays for just long enough...I think we are all ready for back to school routine on Tuesday!

A glimpse of my happenings Inspired by Meet Me At Mikes "Taking Stock" prompts.


lauradodson said...

That is a good book! I recommend The Color of Rain, and Fly a Little Higher both is similar veins as Fault in our Stars, but good.

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