Halloween came a few days early in Deloraine with our spectacular Halloween Party. After a week of lovely warm weather we had a terrible night with lots of wind and rain, not good for an outdoor party, but we still had heaps of fun.
Halloween isn't Halloween without dress-ups...here we are - I am Little Red Riding Hood and Jaron is the Big Bad Wolf! We made his wolf costume last night and I have had the red cape for ages and made a skirt to go with it! I thought Oscar would love to come as Thomas the Tank Engine and made him a Thomas costume out of a box and some coloured cardboard - but he wasn't too keen to wear it! I think he wanted to play with the box instead.Lucky Uncle Cade came along (dressed as a bogan...hmmm...isn't that what you always look like Cade??!) and had a go wearing the train costume!To start off the night we did some "trunk or treating" - like trick or treating, but the kids go from car to car collecting lollies instead of knocking on doors. We all had to decorate our boots...lots of fun! These are my chocolate crackles with little black worms! And our wind-blown boot... Love this pic of Mel with the cows in the background...who else would have a Halloween party on a farm??! It is really weird, Mel and her family bought the house that my Dad built before him and Mum were married. I lived there for the first 18 years of my life. We moved out and since then it has had about 5 different owners...Mel and her family moved from Alice Springs last year and we are really good friends now. It is cool going back to our old house (where the party was held) and reminiscing. How cute it little William-bear? His parents aren't so cute! Cool kids all dressed up... After trunk-or-treat and a sausage sizzle we had a few games and then Uncle Kim took us on a hay ride around the paddocks. The kids loved it (big and small!) Louise, William, Mel, Simone and I. The Young Men made a spooky Haunted House, it was actually pretty scary, they did a great job.
oh how cool! Looks like you all had heaps of fun. We were going to come out but had a bush dance on.
Very S...C....A...R...Y people at your Halloween party
HAHA...VERY SCARY!!! Love all the costumes.
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