Sunday 2 December 2007

.a big bed for a big boy.

big night tonight...we put Oscar into a BIG BOY BED! Kinda exciting and kinda sad, my baby boy is growing up. We were lucky to inherit one of Mum and Dad's old single beds and a mattress that they don't use anymore so we only had to get linen.
Oscar didn't really seem phased at all about going into a new bed, he snuggled in with Jaron for story time and prayers and went straight to sleep.
His bedroom has floorboards so we padded the floor next to the bed with folded doonas and blankets just in case there is a fall during the night...fingers crossed there won't be...
To make it a bit more exciting we helped Oscar stick glow-in-the-dark stickers on his bed head so that he can look at them as he goes to sleep.
Goodnight little man...sweet dreams!


The Kings said...

Oh so cute! What a big boy. It was such a big event when my boys went into a big bed. I was always worried they would get out, but they were used to knowing it was sleep time in their cot so they never did. Hope he slept well.

Anonymous said...

What a great little guy! He looks so cool about it all :-) We used to fold a towel up into a thick roll and tuck it under the contour sheet on the outter edge of the bed to try and prevent falls too.

Sarah said...

Oscar's growing up so quickly! Hope he settles in nice and easily to his big boy bed for you.

Simone Triffitt said...

No way! Oscar has grown up so quickly - and you guys just moved!! Sarra is wondering why Oliver is older than Oscar and not in a 'big boy' bed yet! Um slack Mum maybe.

Marnie said...

Oscar is so adorable- look at his gorgeous eyes- love the close up pic of so cute. He is growing up fast- what a sweet little man!

MattP said...

Isn't Oscar wonderful! Please give him a BIG hug and kisses from his Uncle, Auntie and cousins. Oh, some cuddles and kisses for Lil, too, so she doesn't feel neglected :-)

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Oh well done Oscar :-)
I remember when Noah went into a big bed for the first time, I think I was more excited than he was!

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