So yesterday I paid a visit to the hairdresser. She was really good but S-L-O-W...3 1/2 hours later I looked like this:

Short, light, fresh.
I like it but the real test comes when I have to style it myself. I suck at hair.
(and see that little ratbag in the background? She was breaking stuff...shredding scented flowers that sit on the bookshelf. Then she went to time out.)
Looks very nice Toni :)
Hair looks great Toni, maybe Lily was getting back at you 'cause you were so long getting your hair done! He,he,he.
Very cute!
love love love it!
It looks great!!! (But I think your hair always does!) Funny though- you hate your hair being so thick- me I wish I had thicker hair. Mine is so fine which means more breakages, fizzy and less body. We are never happy with what we have curly hair – we want it straight and visa versa
Your hair looks great- don't know what it looked like before. 3 1/2 hours- oh no!
Toni - it looks lovely! I am with Carli we are never happy with what we have cause I would love thicker hair.
It looks really nice Tone in the pic and in real life. What a crack up about Lil in the background. Who would've thought that cute little face could cause such destruction! She was a great helped with the Christmas tree today.
It looks great Toni =) I know what you mean about the thick hair thing- it sucks!
I love your hair too!!! It really suits you. I'm sorry to say though that your hair is not as interesting as that little minx in the background. That cracked me up big time!!!! SO FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!lol,lol,lol,lol.....ROFL........Hahahahahahahahaha........
Looks great Toni! I love it :)
YWs camp will be the killer blowdryers or straightners..ha any patterns for a cool head scarf?????
Funny how we are just never satisfied with our hair whoever we are??? either too thick or too curly or we want it curly and there then is not the right colour!!!! us fickle females
but i love the total new look...fantastic...
Love it Toni! Very yummy mummy ;) xox
Gorgeous! Nice and fresh for Summer!
Linda xx
new hairstyle looks lovely :)
hot tones!!!! love short hair on you!!!
Looks very noice. As another follicle tamer myself, I recommend a few things, a powerful hairdryer, some sort glossing goo (john frieda spotlight glosser & power detangler) and a GHD straightener. Goodluck & may the styling fairies be with you!
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