I have so much I want to share with you...I don't really know where to begin.
Thankyou SO SO SO much for all of your comments on my previous post. My smile just kept getting bigger and bigger every time I read of your excitement and encouragement.
So, a bit of background on how all of this happened and then I'll get onto answering your questions...
YES! It is a BOOK! A real life, hard cover book filled with 21 NEW Make It Perfect sewing patterns for easy women's and children's clothes.

My initial thoughts were:
1. A book - how the heck am I supposed to write a book? My sisters are the english-university-educated book writers, not me!!
2. I'm having a baby in 2 months time, there is no way I can write a book with a newborn.
3. Ugh, my stir-fry is over-cooked.
But, of course I said, "that sounds like a wonderful opportunity. Thankyou so much for contacting me. Can I get back to you in a couple of days after I've had time to think more about it and discuss it with my family?"
To cut a long story short...
Turns out it's not everyday you get an offer to write a book with one of the biggest publishing companies in the world and I said yes.
I was super worried about how I was going to do it all with a new baby as well as the other two. Then we started building our house which meant lots of decision making and planning to do there - lucky for me Jaron knew exactly what he was doing and I was happy to trust his judgment and didn't have to spend a lot of time or energy doing house stuff. It was a very hectic and busy 8 months and pretty much every scrap of time I had was devoted to designing and writing patterns for the book. Looking back, I don't know how I did it. I guess it is true that the busier you are, the more you get done! I can't see how I could have possibly squeezed everything that I accomplished into 8 months (book writing, general pattern writing, family life) and know that I was very blessed in so many ways to be able to get everything done.
It also helped that I had input and suggestions of some amazing women along the way. I had 10 wonderful pattern testers who happily tested my designs as I produced them and kept to my tight schedule - thankyou Rachel, Karen, Yvonne, Stephannie, Suzanne, Erin, Bethany, Leisel, Rebecca and Melinda. I seriously couldn't have done it without you guys! I also had wonderful support and assistance from Cynthia of Fabric Worm and Elissa of Kelani Fabric - these lovely ladies supplied most of the fabric used for the garments photographed in the book. (And if you stay with me and keep reading until the end, Elissa has a great prize up for grabs!)
Okay, enough rambling...lets give some details about the book and answer your questions...So, the book is hard cover. It is really funky actually, kind of like a tri-fold opening, it looks like a big box when it is all closed up - I was over the moon when I first saw it. When you first open the book, it looks like the photo above, with the book to the left and an envelope full of full-size pattern sheets to the right.
The book will be released and ready for sale on Monday, 22nd November...so not too long to wait and perfect timing for Christmas!
As for where you can buy a copy...well that depends on which stores decide to stock it! The best thing to do for now is to ask your favourite sewing/fabric store to place one on hold for you. As the book is published with Penguin, it should be avaliable in major bookstores like Borders, Angus & Robertson, etc. I will have a a few signed copies of the book to sell after release date. If you are a store owner and know that you will be stocking my book, leave a comment or let me know and I'll put together a list of places who are taking pre-orders.
You can take a look at the Make It Perfect page on the Penguin Website for more information on release date, price, etc.
If you have any more questions, please ask and I'll do my best to answer them! I'll be sharing some of the projects in the book over the next few weeks and keep an eye on my pattern testers blogs as they may begin to reveal some of their projects also.
To celebrate the (almost) release of the Make It Perfect Book, Elissa from Kelani Fabric has generously offered a $50 gift voucher to her store for one of my lucky readers! To be in the running, leave a comment on this post and give me some inspiration...if you have any ideas or suggestions for future Make It Perfect pattern designs - let me know and you might be the lucky winner of a $50 Kelani Fabric gift voucher! The winner will be drawn randomly and the giveaway will close on Sunday evening, 24th October.

wow you are super woman! I wish i knew how to sew ;-) your book looks wonderful. Congratulations!
The book looks sooooo cool Tone - very funky and bright and colourful - I love it and I don't even sew!! Bring one with you tomorrow so I can see it please :)
As for new patterns I have no clue since I'm not a sewer, but more boy patterns sounds good - some summery things :)
How exciting! I have lots of your patterns already, and can't wait to buy your book when I am in Australia over Christmas (I live in Japan).
This is not a pattern idea, but I'd love a heap of templates to use for appliques for t-shirts (especially for boys - my first baby, a son, is 1 month old, and has a future ahead of lots of handmade clothing and appliqued tops!).
Best wishes for the sales of your book!
Absolutely wonderful Toni! Gush gush and more gush. I will be buying this book for sure. Oh what fun for you to have finished such a huge project be a mum run a business and your blog plus all the other things I know you do. Like are you Wonder Woman? NOD :)
I'm so excited about this book. It looks so awesome. I already love your patterns so will definitely be getting this book! I would love to see more boy patterns too as there's not really a lot of cute stuff out there for little boys.
That looks like one fabulous book! I have been eyeing of your patterns lately but might wait until the book is released.
As for some pattern ideas - I'm always on the hunt for good unisex patterns (as I have a girl and a boy), especially for the bottom half. I also love the idea of a duffle coat type jacket.
Oh, I love the red and white slipdress on the cover of your book - was going to suggest an A-line dress for adults but it might be in the book!!
Cant wait to get your book it looks awesome
Gorgeous looking book, I love your patterns & cant wait to get the book
Well done Toni. It looks awesome. Cant wait to have a look at it.
Ooh your book looks awesome. My mum is giving me her old sewing machine at christmas time. I can't wait to get back into sewing.
I have a feeling this book might be on my chirstmas list too :)
Oh wow, that is so unreal!! How much of a bigger compliment can you get when somebody asks you to write a book!! As for ideas, perhaps back to school themed patterns or Christmas gifts as a theme?
How exciting! I was excited reading this and your account of what happened when you got that phonecall! You are amazing and very talented, as a novice I have no tips. What I can say is just keep doing what you are doing because you are wonderful. x
Lena V
Congrats! I'm so excited to see your book.
I'm interested in an adult sized coat.
The book looks divine - I know what's going on my birthday list! I'd love to see a pattern for a dressing gown in summer or winter style
Your blog is amazing, so, I can only imagine your book would make my heart sing!!
As for an idea, I was thinking maybe patterns that my 8 year old, budding designer (she just got a sewing machine) could follow and not be discouraged by! She loves to sew, but, I haven't found any patterns she'd be able to master yet!
Ha! Your book comes out on my wedding anniversary...great day! I'd like to see some patterns for coats/outerwear and products for boys and men. Congrats on the book.
I'd love an easy summery womans dress...but one you could also use for a going out type dress...am I asking a bit much!
Congratulations on the Book! I can't wait to see it IRL
Congratulations Toni, the book looks wonderful.
I love the idea of applique designs, would love to see more stuff for boys, girls are so easy to sew for.
Very exciting to have sewing books written by Australians. Not many on the market yet.
Congratulations! THe book looks beautiful. I love easy patterns that look great. Do you have enough easy patterns for boys and men? They are usually the forgotten ones.
Hope I get to win a voucher too. ;)
I'm very excited about the book... I will be bursting at the "seams" to get my hands on one. I won't be able to wait til Christmas though. I have only rediscovered the art of sewing and enjoy your your patterns as they cater for my limited skills. I don't make clothes for my girls, I make beautiful creations!!!
i am beyond EXCITED for this book!!!! this is def. the number one thing on my wish list this year for Christmas! how exciting for you!!!! what an amazing accomplishment! You have such an amazing gift, that i can only dream of having and your sharig a little bit of it with us :) THANK YOU! i love the format of the book, the cover, the colors- EVERYTHING! ha! and i have not even looked at in person! i hope i win!! thanks!!
Oh my gosh Toni, that is AMAZING!! I love it! The book represent you perfectly! Colourful and creative, it looks gorgeous! Well done you clever woman. You are indeed inspiring!!
Wow! How exciting!! I absolutely adore your patterns, the instructions are very clear and easy to follow and the clothing that is created from your patterns are always stunning!
Can't wait for the book to be released! Well done!
Wow, you are an inspiration, three kids and book!!! Good work mama :)
Congrats on the book. That must be so amazing to see your patterns all together in a REAL book!!
My suggestion = versatile Halloween costumes - simple versions of the classics, some items that will work for a variety costumes -- Can you tell I'm in the middle of sewing Halloween costumes right now?? Really it would be helpful to have a few standby patterns to go to.
Love your patterns Toni and very excited about seeing the book. I could use some good boys patterns and of course, something else for me. I have made Shearwater so many times, in so many fabrics I could use another pattern that is as easy and stylish.
Book looks fabulous! My idea is for a cute, simple kids (not infant)sleeping bag pattern.
Congratulations! I love your patterns, how nice to have so many in one place.
Wowee Toni it looks GREAT! It must be sureal actually holding a book that was made by YOU!!! Can't WAIT to read it. xx
wowow a real author! amazing!! When I have a little girl I would like to put her in a bonnet. please please make a pattern for a bonnet, I love them. Oh and a cool fabric Sun Visor for summer would be good for me, something flattering and feminine that ties at the back and lets the fabric hang nice and long down your neck (I think I have a thing with hats lately).. Must be almost summer! Anyway, congratulations on the book!!
I still can't believe you did it all! Well done and congratulations Toni. I can't wait to have a look through the book and just the front cover pic looks so amazing.
What I would like to see in future is more big girl and boy patterns x
I would love to see more winter style dresses for little girls! Easy to find summer patterns but not so easy to find winter ones. Congrats on your book - will have to add it to my Christmas wishlist!
Ooh, I know what I am asking for this Christmas! I would love some more patterns for the Tweens? My growing girl is over my 'little girl' patterns :-)
this looks so brilliant i was having little palpitations as i read along...i've been trying to sew some clothes for the little people my friends keep producing and i keep going back to the same one or two. every book i see only seems to have a few things i'd actually make, so scanning the cover here and being impressed by everything has me REALLY excited.
anything different for little boys i think is always a fantastic thing to include. seems like you get shorts and trouser patterns that are quite standard and not too much else (granted, so much easier to think of pretty girls things to my mind). and things that can be adapted from beginners level to something a bit more sophisticated in the sewing department as you become more comfortable with the pattern.
thrilled to see elissa and kelani mentioned too - such a treasure trove she has there.
and, finally (writing an essay here) HUGE congratulations - must be so exciting to see your next baby hot off the press and ready to go out into the world.
PS - photos look just delicious!
Congratulations! The book looks wonderful!
I'm excited for you and I only just found your blog! The book looks fab and I will be getting one! You are obviously very time savvy (I have 3 kiddies and with out a book to write, find it exhausting...I can only image.) Well done. Ps..will be following your blog from now on!
oh wow I'm so proud of you! how fabulous! I hope you'll sign a huge bunch of them and sell them to us...mind you I'll want a copy the day it comes out!!!!!!
I'd love to see a maternity pattern!!! no pressure or anything
well done, the nicest news I've heard today:)
You truely are an inspiration Toni. When I started sewing a year or so ago, the very first pattern I bought was your "Bambino" pattern. I've been following your blog and buying your patterns ever since! Congratulations again on such an amazing achievment! You and your family should be so proud. Now... how am I supposed to wait an entire month before getting my hands on a copy???
That's a great story, especially the bit where the publisher recognised your gift and found you! I'm glad your work will be distributed more widely this way.
I'd love to make a 'play mat' for a baby - something the little ones can lie on and play with textures, baubles etc while they're on tummy time and learning to push up. I haven't found anything good yet, would love to see your take on the idea.
I can't wait for this! I have already told my husband this is what he is getting me for christmas. Would love more boy patterns or maybe an adult dress with cap sleeve?
WOW! Congratulations!! How wonderful to have an opportunity like this. It will definitely be on my christmas list this year. :) Boy patterns would be wonderful. I love the little explorer pattern for my little man. Maybe some funky pants or something.. I dont know.. :)
Congratulations! The book looks great!
i would love to see some funky boys patterns :) I struggle when it comes to my boys, and I have 3!!
A book! So exciting! Congratulations :)
As for a pattern idea, how about a one piece baby outfit that would be a really cute shower gift. It is the kindof thing that works for a girl and a boy, and when made in a nice knit fabric, would be really comfortable. Maybe with a hood too...hoods are cute!
How about a formal tuxedo pattern complete with high hat. That would make my day!! I am completely stuck making a tux for my husband right now and would like your expertise. Also, for myself a Melbourne Cup hat pattern complete with feathers would make a sure-selling Make it Perfect pattern.
Love from Lydia-Anne Fogliddier
hi there. your book looks great. i'm in need of a pattern for a lady's neglige.
UM... I wish I had ideas.... Congrats I really am so happy for you!!! I wish that we could get your patterns here... and your book... well maybe if I won I could force them to bring it into Canada!
The book looks awesome! All your hard work and the time you poured into this baby has paid off :)
I will get back to you on what patterns I would like to see...right now dinner beckons! Not a stir-fry but still.....lol.
How exciting to have your creative talents bundled into one beautiful book to share with us. I have put your book on my Christmas link and written your blog address so my husband can order it for me (hint hint). I have made a few of your patterns and love them, althought have been rather time poor this year. Congratulations on the culmination of a big year for you this year. It's inspired me to get my sewing machine buzzing again. Cheers, Flick x
Hi Toni, I've just realised you live in Tassie by the beach! So do I! Cheers, Flick
The book looks amazing! I'm always looking for boy patterns, currently on the hunt for a great dressing gown for the cooler nights here.
How incredibly exciting. I can't wait to get a copy. It will take pride of place on the bookshelf, right next to Handmade Beginnings and Little Stitches! How wonderful will it be to have a fabulous pattern book from an Aussie!
Congratulations on the book - how excitnf for you! I would love to see a pattern for some simple kids dress ups.
Nic xxx
oops just read all the comments and realised thats already been suggested. Another though it a cute little hooded beach dress/throw over.
NIc xxx
i def want my book signed tones!!! and it will be made out to EVE MY BEST SISTER IN LAW! haha!!! it looks awesome!!!!
I would love to see some different ideas for boys' clothes. I spend my sewing time making loads of skirts and dresses for my niece and hardly anything for my own two boys! I can't wait to see the new book. Megan
i heard two weekends ago that your book was amazing(Chels) ...just the sort of thing that every sewer needs ..(doesnt matter if your not a sewer either) ..you just need the desire because your patterns are so(sew ) easy... Congratulations Toni.... you deserve for it to be a HUGE Success...well done...
Not good! I have that many things to sew already and I just know I will want this book too.... oh well, one day there will be a fairy to help wont there? Congrats on the book can't wait to see it and I'd love to win a fabric voucher!
I'm going to buy one :)
Or maybe we could do a trade ;)
Wow Toni! That looks awesome, can't wait to get a copy in my hands. Some ideas I would like to see are a basic wrap dress, ladies shorts, a double breasted Peacoat for boys and girls (and ladies and men!!(hahaha), I love the earlier idea of a pattern of applique ideas for kids shirts!
SO exciting I can hardly wait till november :) I too would love some more boy patterns. I'm also crazily looking for ruffle bum patterns and aprons/smock type cover-ups for messy babies :)
How wonderful!!! Congratulations. My ideas - things for boys - aprons, tool belt, cool pants or shorts, a vest with a hoodie. Susan
Plus size please :D Book looks amazing, can't wait to get my grubby mits on it.
I am so excited to get my hands on your book. It looks fantastic. I had been looking at books to get this Christmas and I was thinking Martha Stewart but not anymore I am going to ask Santa for your book :)
Suggestions, hmm, a girls quilt perhaps as a kit, a woman's dress, girls nighties.
Congratulations on your book! I'd love to get a copy - I'm always on the look out for new kids clothes patterns. As for ideas, I'd like to see some boys patterns (as I have 2 little boys). Thanks for all your hard work!
Wow! Fantastic, awesome-ness! Inspiration - hmm - running low on that right now lol
sorry I think i just deleted my comment?!
not here to win anything, just wanted to say a big wohoo (!!) on your book. Looks awesome tone. You must be so excited, and relieved that you can finally talk about it and hole it! so happy for you :)
Oooohhh... I've just come up with an idea for you... you have a new house (love your massive deck in the latest real living mag by the way), I have a new house too, how about some gorgeous home decor patterns!!!
it looks fantastic - I bet you are so happy with it! I alos can't believe you did it all in 8 months! Well done - excited for you! New patterns? Maybe 3/4 pants for women - haha these could already be in your book tho!!
I'd love to see your new book - I'm a bit of a fan of make it perfect patterns - I own 4!!!
I'd like to see more lightweight fabric patterns for the Aussie summer, specifically for voile and the like - summer pattterns are always the best.... am also on the hunt for a good wrap dress pattern...
Oh my, it looks divine! I was going to put this on my Christmas list but I am not going to be able to wait until then, I'll "need" it much sooner!
I've got all but one of you patterns and I think you've covered just about everything I need but if I have to come up with some sort of inspiration I'd say maybe more basic boys patterns (not very original I know).
Best of luck with the launch. Hope you are planning an enormous bash!
wow! congrats you! is it coming out in the uk? i'll have to save my pennies up!
congrats again on the book! looks fab. :)
how about a pattern for baby carriers? that would be super neat.
I can't wait for your book it is now top of my Christmas wish list.
I would love an easy summer ladies top in a style similar to a pillow case top but more substantial. The kind of top you can wear a proper everyday bra underneath!! Maybe it's in the book...
Looks absolutely awesome Toni! Really don't know how you did it either!!! I would really love a pattern for little girls overalls with crossover straps at the back. The only ones I can find to buy ready made are $100 and I'm not paying that much but no way am I gonna try and sew them myself without a pattern! I have pair that were mine when I was a little tacker and would love to make some just the same. I'll show them to you sometime. Congrats mate :) xxx
my husband vector needs a hector-protector! could you whip up a pattern for that sweetie?! Size, Xlarge please.
Congrats on the book! Can't wait to see all the fun patterns! I would love more patterns for my daughter using knits and I need to start sewing for myself!!! So anything that would work for a busy SAHM/preschool working mom!
Woohoo! Do you feel nice and relaxed now? What an acomplishment! I love the cover.
Congratulations on your beautiful book, looks like I'll 'need' to get it:)
Congrats! The book looks fantastic! I love patterns that are easy and can be whipped up quickly!
Toni, very huge congratulations the book looks amazing. well done.
Sigh, I would still like some more boy patterns- say, 8-12 year olds, and girly ones too, actually for this age.
Congratulations! The book looks gorgeous, and will be added to my Christmas list (if I don't buy it for myself beforehand!).
I'd like to see patterns for breast-feeding tops and dresses. I hate paying retail prices for something I'm only going to wear for a year or so, and would love to make some in my own style!
Congratulations! I can't wait to get my hands on it. I've made quite a few of your patterns - it's so nice to have some great patterns for boys (I have two!). More cool boy patterns would be great. In particular some that work well over cloth nappies?
How exciting Toni! Your a very talented and well organised lady with all the things that you do, very inspiring!
Congrats Tone! How exciting for you. Front cover looks awesome.
Congrats, the book looks amazing, I have send a link to my husband for what to get me for Christmas - I just got a dressmaker's model, so i literally can not wait to get started. I have just started to sew but i love clean, uncomplicated lines that enable you to layer clothes and therefore change your look everyday.
Congrats again, Toni! The book looks wonderful, and I'm so glad that we won't have to wait too long to be able to get a copy! Can't wait to see what fun patterns are included! You already know how much I love your Kaftan pattern - I'd love to see some more quick and easy women's shirt patterns! Thanks so much!
Your book looks amazing! I think I may have to pick up a copy for my daughter for Christmas - it looks right up her alley. As for new patterns, how about a little girl's dress that combines my love for quilting with my daughter's love of dressing her 3-yr old daughter in stuff no one else has!
I still cant believe it!! That is soo soo Amazing!!
mmm future patterns?? I think..Quick projects for pressies.. like applique tops, little toys, bibs, little girls bags, kitchen things...etc.. Im always thinking for pressies..i should make them something..but never know what! xx
AAAhhhh Did i mention...im excited! xx
How fantastic, that will become a Sewing-ista essential! My pattern suggestions would definitely be for the boys, such as easy shirts, quirky t shirts, masculine accessories - such as scarves, 'bags' (gym kit etc) and hats. And maybe soft furnishings such as quirky cushions, cosies such as teapot or boiled eggs, place mats and doorstops/draught excluders. Gosh am I wittering on? Good luck with the book, I have no doubt it will be a best seller! ;)
Can't wait to see the book! Please, please more patterns like your fabulous Shearwater Kaftan, just love it!
AMAZING!! I can't wait to see it on store shelves and to see what it has to offer me!
P.S. I have NO idea how you kept a secret for 18 months, I almost DIED keeping a secret for 3 months!
I'd love to see more boys clothing, I can't be the only one who sews for a little man!
Congrats on the books.
Congrats on your book! Talk about having a baby while having a baby!
Having a son who is a toddler, I'm a bit biased. There isn't a whole lot out there on unisex seperates. While I love little girl dresses, there are a lot of patterns out there for those. I'd love to see more seperates that have character. Not just the top and bottoms. Casual wear AND more formal :)
Congrats again! I hope they fly like rockets off the shelves!
nsue21702 at gmail dot com
so fun to hear all the details. Such an awesome accomplishment! I can't wait to get a copy of the book. :)
What a beautiful book! Congratulations. :o) How about comfy modest pj sets for women?
The book looks stunning. What a Labor of love! something that I would love to see is maternity patterns...hard to find good ones! Congrats on the book!
Congrats on the book! How exciting for you. I would like to see patterns for the males in our lives.
Kelani has so many fun fabrics.
What a lovely book!
This is SUPER cool! I can't wait to purchase the book...I know what to put on my Christmas list! I would love to see patterns that would be great for teaching teenagers to sew. Thanks!
Looks like a fabulous book! How do you keep up with everything?!
That looks like one fabulous book!
Congrats on your first book!
As for suggestion - more of the same please!!
Wow the book looks fabulous definitely one for the Christmas list :) As for new patterns I'd love to see a boys shirt pattern.
Congrats on the book! I would love to see some patterns for sundresses.
Congrats ~ so excited for you!! I'd love to see more boy patterns ~ caps, hoodies, appliques, overalls ~ and more modern decorating ~ pillows, storage, ottoman, matching table topper, etc. THANKS for the chance at such a generous giveaway!
Oh my gosh this is SOOO cool! Congrats! Will the book be available in the states?? I'm going to put it on my Christmas list!
What a fabulous giveaway! I love your patterns! You rock!!!
Congrats on your new book! So exciting!
I'd love to see more knit patterns for little girls- still looking for something with lots of options- but I want regular set in sleeves that hit on top of the shoulder! Can't find such a thing!
jhales_finance at yahoo dot com!
How exciting! Congrats! The Book looks amazing! Can't wait to get my hands on it and start having fun!
You asked for inspiration, which is hard to give, but you are such an inspiration for my work! I have been toying with mom and baby/kid (both boy and girl) matching outfits.... that's an idea.
Wow!!! Congratulations! How very...VERY exciting! I'm in no place to give any kind of advice or suggestions, but I think your book looks amazing! I can't wait to see more of it. I think having the full size patterns right there in the book is genius. Because I know looking at online patterns, I always think, oh, that's cute...but I'm too lazy to go hook up the printer and figure out the right sizes to print the patterns off...so I never use them. (At least not YET...I'm sure I'll get over my laziness eventually).
Where was I? Oh yes...so having physical, usable patterns at your fingertips makes it much more likely that I'll actually MAKE a pattern instead of just oogle over it. :)
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
And congratulations!
Can't WAIT to get this book!
As far as ideas...hmmmm...maybe a cutesy table runner idea for Christmas! I'm stumped and TIRED of everything being quilted.
Congrats big time on the new book! What an accomplishment.
unisex patterns or guy ones would be great for next patterns.
congrats! I love your patterns, but more boy ones would be even better!
Can't wait to get my hands on this book. Looks wonderful!
Congratulations on the book! It looks gorgeous, as it should. How exciting!
how exciting! i dont know how you managed to keep it a secret for so long. i know i never could
Congratulations. What a wonderful thing to add to your book of wonderful life achievements.
Wow! Congrats!!
The book looks really cool too - great design and designs!
Hmmmm. As for patterns- a flattering long-sleeve top?
Congratulations to you! That is a lot to accomplish in a short period of time. I look forward to your book as your patterns are great!
Wow, oh, wow!! How exciting, Toni! I'm sure it will be a best seller. That's just so cool. Congratulations!
Looks amazing ( though I have to confess I have been getting little leaks of info from a sydney source!!!)you are one creative lady..as for ideas...how about a swimming costume design??
Looks amazing ( though I have to confess I have been getting little leaks of info from a sydney source!!!)you are one creative lady..as for ideas...how about a swimming costume design??
Congratulations on the book. Maybe patterns for older kids might be the go.
Looks like a wonderful book, shall keep my eyes open here in New Zealand. For patterns, I think funky tops for boys would be great.
what a great book! I'd love to get my hands on it! i have no new ideas...i'm crafty (use other people's ideas) not creative (come up with ideas on my own). :)
I love your patterns, and a whole book of them - well - wow! As for suggestions, I don't have anything specific, but I will say that I love the sprout dress in part because it puts an interesting twist on a common item, so I would love to see more of that in general.
Congratulations, by the way, on getting all this accomplished. It's impressive.
The book looks fantastic - it will be going on my Christmas wish list for sure!
So can't wait! I want 3 copies - one for me and one each for my sister-in-laws! Some ideas - simple dress patterns for women (now I'm no longer breastfeeding, (sob!) I can wear dresses again!) More boy stuff, clothes for older kids (5-12), a learger size for 'downtown boy'!!! (lol!)
What a gorgeous book! I would LOVE to see more patterns out there for simple summer or winter tops for girls!
Wonderful looking book! I love that it has full size patterns. Not sure what to suggest as inspiration, you seem to have a pretty good handle on it already!
Sandy A
Toni you truly are a wonderful star :-) A huge congratulations, it looks fabulous and I can't wait to add a copy my new bookshelves!!
My suggestion is simple nighties for Mum's and Daughters for summer. Maybe a long one that can be shortened if so desired?
Very exciting news Toni. My girls were lucky receipients of some skirts by one of your wonderful pattern testers which I haven't been able to reveal yet. Not sure on the sizings in the book but my suggestion would be girls sizes that go up to size 12.
You are amazing. congratulations on the book. My chistmas list is now sorted tanks.
wow that is amazing. Congrats. I had a disasterous time at sewing clothes my first attempt, so have never done it again. I sew squares, quilts etc, so this looks like the perfect book to jump over to clothe making!!
congratulations, I'll be on the lookout for your book!
congratulations! I am new to sewing (recieved my machine last christmas) and have been burning through a couple of fabulous books with patterns. I cant wait for some hot new ideas though, espec authored by an Australian yay yay yay.
Well done and keep them coming ;-) (no rest for the wicked)
Wow congratulations on you book. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy...
I personally think that patterns for the larger lady would be good. (I have lost 12.5 kilos and now fit into alot of patterns, but before I couldn't).
I would love to see some great boys patterns, funky shirts and shorts with lots of variations.
Everything just seems aimed at girls in the past and the boys are being left out ;)
Cant wait to see the book :}
This book looks fantastic, well done! (I loved the story of how it came about too). I love your Shearwater kaftan, so maybe a variation on that or other easy women's tops...?
The book looks fabulous! I would love to win it.Congratulations!
Congratulations - the book looks fantastic! It is definitely going on my wish list. I'm always on the lookout for trendy patterns for boys.
Wow! Congratulations :)
I'd love to see patterns for things like floaty, feminine skirts :)
If I had suggestions for new patterns I'd share them, but as I'm new to sewing I'll just share lots of enthusiasm instead! Can't wait to see the book in print! :)
your new book looks great and i'm looking forward to seeing it in the stores. as for some inspiration, we need more patterns for boys... there is so much abundance for girls, yet not much for boys of various ages... :)
Absolutely gorgeous book - am heading into The Remnant Warehouse to make sure they are getting them in. Would love to see a gorgeous little girls hooded caplet (little bit retro/vintage, little red riding hood) a great reversible retro pinnie (sized beyond 0-2) with bloomers, and agree with some more boys things.
Great work!
I love felt toys for my kids, especially easy to make ones for Christmas pressies.
What about a winter weight dress with a ballet cardigan style top and a wide waist band gathered/georgette type fabric for the bottom. oooh maybe velvet top instead of the trad knit... just a thought.
wow a whole book of your amazing patterns - i cant wait
hmmm ideas . . . sewing bag for small handsewimh projects perhaps. I keep thinking that if I had something like that that coul be thrown in the nappy bag then I could potentially get little bits of sewing done during the day
Your book is so pretty! I love how it opens! I find it is really easy to find cute skirt and dress patterns for kids but harder to find fun long sleeve top patterns.
Your book looks great! Well designed and eye catching. I tend to find it difficult to find suitable patterns for little boys who have outgrown the baby stage but are not ready for big boy clothes.
I can't wait to see you book. I would love to have some easier to follow directions for making clothes. I don't know if this is in your new book, but i would like to see pajama pants for the whole family. My kids love them. they can pick out any fabric they like. Good luck with the book.
I'm more of a bag sewer but I would love to sew shrugs.
projectsbyjane at gmail dot com
congratulations on the book!
For future patterns may I suggest boy's patterns (already mentioned) and maybe embellishment techniques?
Congratulations -- how exciting for you...and for us! My only suggestion is for an adult version of the uptown jacket -- I seriously love that pattern so much! :)
Congratulations Toni, can't wait to see the book as I love your patterns. I'd like to see some flattering dresses/tops that don't make me feel like I'm wearing a tent!
A huge congratulations to you Toni... You are one amazing lady.I can't wait to purchase your book...
I sit here in qld reading your blog regularly. I love that you are a mum, wife and still find the time to create the most amazing patterns. I think I nearly own all of them...
Considering you nearly cover every area with your patterns. The only one I would love to see created would be a summer cotton, baby romper....I have tried other patterns but just can't seem to get it right. I'm sure if you created it I would get it first go...:)
The book looks wonderful. Love your patterns, have just made 5 versions of the party dress for 2 of my grandaughters. The twin grandson feels left out, so more boy patterns would be wonderful. Congratulations and best wishes to your family.
Well, I am sure ALL sewing avenues have been covered here, so I would like you to write a book on how you managed your home, kids, AND writing a book & still have some semblance of sanity & all of your hair!!! LOL
Congratulation on your book. I have printed out your blog post and handed it to my husband. I put a big note on it reminding him it's my birthday soon..... Hopefully he will get this hint, or I will just buy it for myself for christmas.
How wonderful! I love the look of your new book, it is right up my alley! I love your style and think it'd be great if you'd draw up some cute applique type things to complement your designs!
I have never sewn anything before. I saw your peek-a-boo bag and lego bag and decided to try out sewing. I made my first peek-a-boo bag and it turned out awesome. I have already cut out 6 more ready to sew. Thank you for your inspiration. In the interest of having ethically made clothes, my next attempt will be clothes for my kids. Your book sounds like the perfect fit! Congrats!
Well done Toni. It looks amazing.I cant believe that you actually got a phone call from Penguin! I would've fainted face first into the stirfry!
Wow, huge congratulations to you for managing to accomplish so much going on in your life as well as writing a book! What an inspiration!! With 2 boys, I'm always on the lookout for boy patterns and more of those are always appreciated!
Bloomers, overalls for girls, shirts with frills down along the buttons at the front. YOur book looks delicious. I've come over from Rachel's blog (Four Wise Monkeys). Congrats on your book and wishing you many happy sales!
Thank you so much for developing the book. It looks fabulous. I'm not going to be waiting until Christmas for this! Once again, great to have something Tasmanian, Rachael.
How exciting for you Toni, congratulations! Your book looks fresh, colourful and exciting.I'm looking forward to receiving a copy in November. Funky chic here I come....
I love your patterns and have just bought a copy from Fishpond and hopefully it will arrive next week. Cannot wait.
Your book looks great. Lately I've been on the lookout for cute patterns for knits and some beautifully simple Japanese-sewing-book-type clothing.
rebekahricker at yahoo dot com
WOW....can you keep a secret or what! Well done and congratulations on being published.One of my mums where I work made up your jacket for her daughter and it looked fabulous,even more special as it was the first thing she'd ever made for her.She was thrilled with how easy it was to make up and looks great on her daughter.
I'd love more boys applique items as these are really hard to find,but not too fiddly,more on the chunky side as they're easier to hand applique.
I can't wait till November 22 to start searching the shelves for your book :) Barb.
wow great book! and who doesn't need more fabric???
Can't wait to buy your book, it looks absolutely gorgeous and I am a sucker for a good sewing book! I already have a few of your wonderful patterns which is why I follow your blog, apart from the fact that you are an inspiration to other sewing mommas like me! Definitely would love some great maternity patterns, it is so hard to find decent ones. I have the Anna Maria Horner book and like the maternity patterns in there but they are not exactly quick to construct!! Also a pants pattern that would fit over cloth nappied babies would be lovely, many mothers of cloth nappied babies are also sewers and looking for this type of thing as the commercially made pants are all designed for babies wearing disposables and dont fit our babies properly. And a nice simple t-shirt pattern for the little ones...Thanks so much for letting us leave our ideas, a fabric voucher would be nice but the REAL prize would be seeing a pattern made from our inspiration :D
Congratulations on your new book. I love your patterns and have many of them. I use them regularly to make stuff for my son and relatives.
I'd love to see even MORE boy patterns but understand that boys clothes are rather limiting!!
COngragulations the book looks great. I hope that it does really well for you. Simone
I can't wait to see the new book! What a great givaway.
This looks like a fabulous book!! I am not very creative but I look to people like you for awesome inspiration!
SUPER COnGRaTS! what a thrill!
i'm excited FOR you :)
would love the win & love the chance to enter ~ THANK YOU!
how about multipurpose shoulderbag patterns?...
Wow so exciting just in time.Would love to win this gift voucher so i can buy some stuff to make for charity...yippeee!!!
hello, love your book, it looks lovely, would look forward to find it in Lebanon. And for an idea how about patterns for dogs and cats. I think all of us would like something for their pets too. They are family after all. hahaha. Tks
What a great giveaway! I would like inspiration on how to sew larger shoulder bags and messenger-type bags. I can never find one I like in stores.
The book looks soooo cool Toni! What a wonder women - how do you get it all done! Can't wait to see a copy. Penny
Congratulations :) THe book looks amazing.
I would love to see some every day costume patterns, the kind of costumes that parents are not going to cringe at taking their children out in. Capes for super heros and fairy t-shirts for princesses :D
Congratulations on the book - that is so awesome and it looks like a wonderful book!
As for ideas, I'm not very good with ideas, but something for boys - I have two boys. Either something for dress up and play (capes, quick costumes) or a vest or pants. Just something for boys (and you may already have these).
Congratulations on the book! How exciting it all must be :)
As for suggestions...maybe more boy patterns or even a dress or two for little girls.
You are amazing to have done all of that in a few short months. As a single mum of a one year old and a keen sewer I can appreciate how busy you must have been. As for suggestions I am always keen to see something different for little boys. Finding something funky for them is so difficult. CONGRATULATIONS, I will definately be buying the book.
Toni!! You are a busy bee :) Congratulations on well-deserved success. I am in the process of making a music bag for each of my girls with pockets for music books and practise(?) sheets. If you had a pattern I'd just buy it instead :)!!
just ordered a copy of this book so excited. :)
Hello, I have never been to your site but it is an amazing thing to have someone call for you to write a book! It looks really cool!!!
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