Back again! Making these Showcases is fun. I limit myself to ten pictures per showcase, but every time I make one I end up with about 30 and have to cut back. Way too many cool things out there to bid on!
Before I share today's Showcase, would you like to know how much money we have raised so far? Sarah visited each of your auctions/raffles last night and discovered that in our combined effort, we have raised about $45,000!!! Wow! Wow! Wow! (And thanks Sarah for taking care of that tedious job!)
So if you thought your auction sitting at $30 wasn't that much of a contribution, it really is, because we are all in this together and combined we are doing AMAZING things! While $45,000 is amazing, we have to keep in mind that today is only day #2 and we can raise heaps more than that! Let's do everything we can to spread the word and get as many people visiting our auctions and raffles as possible.
And here is Wednesday's Showcase:
Wow, $45,000! I did feel a bit bad about my $30, but you're right, it all helps! Thanks for organising such a wonderful thing for us all to be part of :)
Truly amazing Toni! Just wanted to let everyone know that I am having a giveaway on my blog for all those that have participated in the auctions/raffles in some way to say THANKS!!
:) Amelia
$45,000 is absolutely incredible! Isn't it amazing what we can do together!
You are a true inspiration xx
Wow that $45,000 is just amazing good on Sarah for having to count all those bids I have just had to buy a raffle ticket from Posie patchwork she has some great raffles going, gosh every one has been so great I'm proud to be a Queenslander thats for sure!! :)
What a brilliant effort by everyone...every little bit helps!
Wooohoo :-)
I think the hardest part about counting up all the bids was that I wanted to stop and bid on everything! I am so overwhelmed by all the beautiful things being offered in the auctions and raffles. I'm excited to see how that tally continues to grow over the next few days.
Congratulations, just goes to show that every handmade creation big & small really adds up. Thanks for the promotion, i'm now getting people coming back to re-enter!! Love Posie
$45,000?!!! That's incredible. Good for you for organising this and all the participating crafters :).
pandeToni, you and Carli are the ones that have made this possible. I can't believe in only 2 days its already at $45,000! It's amazing, you two are amazing! x
Hahaha!! Look at my WORD VERIFICATION right there at the start of my above comment! Nice one!!
$45,000 is awesome. I blogged, tweeted, and facebooked about it today - hope it helps :)
So amazing! Just shows how much pulling the world together really can make a difference! Way to go!
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