Welcome readers old and new to my Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day post!
Welcome readers old and new to my Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day post!
If you are new to my blog, I am happy to have you here! The Make It Perfect blog is where I share the craftiness going on in my life - mixed with my favourite recipes, showcasing some of the Cool Shops out there and a few personal bits and pieces.
Make It Perfect is also the name of my sewing pattern range - featuring a whole heap of modern, fresh and funky clothing sewing patterns, some of which are shown below...
And because I like to keep myself busy, I spend a little bit of my spare time creating pretty, vintage-inspired jewellery and accessories for my Citrus Pop stores on Madeit and Etsy...

Okay, now that I've introduced you to my goodies, let's get back to the giveaway...
One lucky winner will score themselves...
FOUR of their favourite SEWING PATTERNS
A $20 GIFT VOUCHER to spend on CITRUS POP products!
To enter, simply leave a comment on this post. For extra entries, feel free to become a follower of my blog or "like" my Facebook page. Easy!
(Giveaway ends Wednesday 25th May and winner will be drawn randomly.)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 944 Newer› Newest»Yay! I love your patterns!
Hi, Toni! Thanks for joining in the giveaway - and such wonderful prizes, too!
And I'm already a follower!!
And I now "Like" your Facebook page!!
I love your patterns and pretty flowers. Great giveaway!
patterns are so much fun, especially nice ones like yours.Tone
I love your patterns....choosing four would be hard....
Hi Toni...i am a recent new fan of yours and already have your kaftan and wrap skirt patterns waiting to be made...excited much!!!
Always love a chance to i throw my hat in the ring...
Thanks for your generousity!
I already follow your blog and FB.
I love your patterns and would love to win this great prize. Thanks very much :)
Already a liker, love to be a winner! A fan of your work and a purchaser of your book... not for me though and I haven't been trusted with a loan of it yet! Spotted a few things on my read through your post. Great giveaway, tops!
I love your pattern style!
I love just love all your work!! Thanks for being super generous.
I am already a follower.
Oh 4 patterns!! That would be brilliant!
what a great giveaway! I love your patterns.
I already like your FB page (which is where I saw this post) but now I'm a blog follower as well.
Love reading your blog and seeing all your crafty patterns. Really love the new citrus pop range too!
I love a 'giveaway' and 4 of your patterns would be such a treat. I'm already a FB and blog follower. Thanks for the inspiration to create :)
I'm a big fan of your patterns and simply adore your citrus pop range. I already follow both your blog and fb page :)
jeg er fra denmark kan jeg være med :) elsker at læse din blog :)
Great giveaway!!!
Already a blog follower
Oh wow! A give away! I have got a couple of your patterns and they are just gorgeous! Such insipration on your blog too!
Already a fb fan
Oh Wow! I've never won a giveaway before, but I would really love to win this one! Thanks so much - your work is fabulous!
Hi Toni
I cannot say how happy I am to have cone across your patterns!!! I have a beautiful 2yr old who is loving her 'sprout' dress and new 'little slumber party jammies'
Your patterns are so gorgeous and I can't wait to try mor of your range
Keep up the great work
- Toyah.
I'd love to try out more of your patterns. I love the uptown girl jacket.
4 of your gorgeous patterns would be greatly loved and cherished at my creative space... have a huge make it perfect crush already! Such a great giveaway... got my fingers crossed! thanks toni xx
I am a blog follower.
What a lovely give away! I too an a big fan!
Already like you on FB!
i borrowed your 21 patterns book from my local library and loved it so much i bought it the next day :)
Unbelievable! I love all of your patterns!!! YEAH!!!
I love your patterns, I have a few already, but am lusting over more of them.
I'm already a facebook "liker", but I'd do anything to win this giveaway. LOL!
I already follow your blog too! ;)
AND....already "like" you on FB! :D
Hooray Toni, what a very cool prize. thanks
and I am already a follower...
I'm a newly, self-taught sewer, but I can't follow patterns or sew for myself (I make up my own designs for my girls as I go along). A friend suggested the Make it Perfect range, so I'm giving it a go with a simple skirt.
and, although I am pretty bad at Facebook, I now 'like' make it perfect!
Love your patterns. Your uptown girl coat makes me wish my 18 year old were little again. Following you on Pinterest. do you fit it all in!!! Love your creativity and LOVE the upsized patterns in your gorgeous kids range!!
Such a great giveaway! Thank you. Love the option for some boy patterns.
I'd LOVE to win a handful of your patterns. Fabulous giveaway!
oooo - 4 patterns! Yay!
Yup, already a follower of make it perfect. :D
I did not realize I was not a FB follower until now. All fixed. :)
Love your patterns!
Oh my goodness, I would love to win a beautiful new pattern! Thank you for the giveaway.
I just found your blog about a 2 months ago and I love seeing your sewing and crafty projects. I'd love to win some patterns.. I have A LOT of new fabric I've been buying lately.
I "liked" your facebook page :)
Love your patterns :)
Great patterns and I always crave the citrus pop goodies!
Great patterns! Would love to win some.
Your stuff is just so happy, I love it!
I have a few favourite I'm yet to buy!
I like your FB page!
Woohoo I love easy giveaway entries :D I seriously hope I win this one :D
I follow you...on your blog anyway :P
I also like you...on facebook...and in person :D
Love your blog, thanks for the giveaway!
Yes please!!!
And I'm following.
I have 3 of your patterns and just love how easy they come together. Thanks for this generous giveaway.
Oh and I already follow you on my google reader.
Thanks for having a giveaway . Love your patterns and book.
I would love to win sooooo much. I am new to sewing and would love to give your patterns a go. Thanks for the chance!
What a fantastic giveaway. I love your patterns and would love to choose 4! thank you. kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I follow your blog through google reader. kristie_keely(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I also like your facebook page. kristie_keely(at)yahoo(dot)com
I'm already a follower, and I just liked your fb page. I'm hoping for skirt patterns for myself and those adorable patterns for my little girl!
Oh please I'd love to enter! I only recently discovered your blog but became a follower pre-giveaway!
Love your blog!
Wow you are so generous! I am on your facebook as Debbie Lauzon.
I've had my eye on your Citrus Pop stuff for a while - so cute! And a girl can always use a few more patterns :)
I'm already a follower, too :)
And a Facebook "liker". :)
I would love te win, I already follow you and have you on my bloggers list over at, Eva-Marie
ps: i posted much earlier but forgot to mention i have already 'liked' you on Facebook :)
Yippee - I am so excited. I would love to have some new sewing patterns.
Ditto!! Love your work. Bring on some more boys patterns!!!
I sewed many of your patterns already, and I am looking forward to your new boy pants pattern, it looks like so much fun! Thank you!
Ohh I'd love the chance to have a few of your patterns....simply gorgeous!!!
and Im already a follower too...great giveaway :o)
liked you on facebook!
I love to read your blog! Thanks for all the great posts!
I love skirts and yours look so pretty! Please pick me!
After having bought some Citrus Pop for a friends birthday & being very envious everytime I see her wear it, it would be lovely to own some for myself . . something to go with my summer kaftan would be good x x x
Wowee I love your patterns and would love to win some... thanks for the giveaway. I'm joining in the giveaway on my blog too - so much fun!
I follow you blog already (and it's fab!)
I love your patterns - especially the Uptown Girl jacket!
I'm a new liker on facebook as 'Handmade by Mary Emmens'
I own a copy of "Make It Perfect" and have two of your patterns. I'd LOVE to win more!!! I'm already a 'liker' of your Facebook page.
allmap (at) y7mail (dot) com
Yeah. Would love one of your patterns, let alone four. I feel i'm not a good enough sewer yet to actually buy patterns, or other than cheap cotton, but i would love to try!
OMG, soOo excited to try your patterns!
Wow! What an awesome giveaway. I would love to win.
What a fab giveaway. I love the look of your patterns!
I'm a follower too! :-)
I would love a chance to win those! x
I'm also following your blog :)
New to your blog, LOVE all of your patterns!
Yay! sweet giveaway!
I already like your facebook page
and I follow your blog
I love Make it Perfect! And Citrus Pop hair pins are absolutely adorable.
love your patterns! here's hoping to score some :) Thanks
Fab giveaway :) x
I follow your blog already :)
I already like your Facebook page :)
Love your patterns, jewellry and blog ... Yay for giveaways!
I love your patterns and all your bright, colorful jewelry!
I am "new" to sewing (again after 15+ years) and would LOVE some patterns to start me off in the right direction. :)
thanks for the giveaway. i've been coveting your patterns for awhile now! would love to win some!
i'm already a follower of your blog.
i love your patterns! hope i win. my email is
i also "like" you on FB.
Great giveaway! I am also participating but haven't posted my giveaway yet. Stop by if you want. :)
Lovely! You have great patterns! Thanks so much!
Thanks for a second chance being a follower!
How exciting!! I love your patterns, just got your uptown girl pattern, Now I need to sew it!
I also follow your blog! :)
Oh I don't want to miss this chance - really like your patterns!
And a follower I am already (on Google Reader):-)
And of course I like your facebook page!
And now I like you on FB too :-)
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I adore your patterns, so what a great giveaway!
What an amazing giveaway, thank you for the chance to win :0)
I am already a follower, but I am not on facebook (I feel I am missing out here lol)
what an awesome giveaway!!
thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower :)
Your patterns are totally awesome! (And I adore your Citrus Pop shop!)
I am already a follower!
Thanks for the chance!
I love your patterns so much! I keep needing to by the jacket one and forgetting so this would be perfect!
I love all these patterns! Pick me pick me!!!!!
Such gorgeous jewellery. I would love to join in with your ace giveaway.
Ciao!!! Siamo un po non si sa mai, complimenti i tuoi lavori sono bellissimi, è già da un po che sei tra le mie preferite,vincere sarebbe bellissimo!!!!!!
I would love to win some of these great patterns...and a shop credt? Wow!
Love you blog and use lots of your patterns! Thank you!
Heather Knapp
What a great giveaway! Love your blog!
I'm already a follower of your blog, it's great!
I love your patterns - especially your kaftan!
Count me in please!
Liked you on facebook!
I'm a follower. :)
I love your patterns, what a great giveaway! Though it would be hard to just pick four.
THanks for the great comp TOni
I'm already a FB liker
I'm also already a follower of your blog
I love your patterns! Thanks for the chance at winning a couple.
I also like you on Facebook.
And I've been following you for a while now, through Newsfire, so it may not show up in your results... but I'm definitely here.
Ooh, I have some of your patterns and would LOVE some more, thank you!! Great giveaway!
I'm already a follower of your lovely blog :)
Some new sewing patterns would be fabulous - now I just need someone to give away "TIME". Having trouble finding enough of that lately!!!
it would be fantastic to win your patterns. i won´t sleep until the 25th.
I love your work!!! Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!
I am a follower!
OOO! Would love to win this, got your uptown girl pattern and now eyeing up your new boy pattern 'high flyers'
Already a follower :)
I love your book and I'd love to win more of your patterns :-)
and I follow on Facebook
great giveaway, thanks for the oppertunity to win this!!
now following via facebook aswell!
Thanks for the give away - love your patterns.
And I'm already a follower.
My favorite pattern (so far - there are several more I want) is your wrap skirt. It is so simply but turns out great every time! I've made 3 so far! Awesome giveaway!
Am already a follower onFB and your blog and LOVE your patterns. Pick me, pick me!
What an awesome giveaway!!! I'd love to have more of your patterns! I just made the wrap around skirt (made it reversible) and it's fun! Now if you could find someone in the US to sell your pattern book that'd be great. I looked at buying it online from Aus and shipping was almost as much as the book! Happy sewing!
I'm already a FB follower.
OMG so generous Toni!! You know how much I love your patterns, I've begged Sarah of QFD already for your newest one. :)
What an awesome prize, your patterns are amazing!
Wow, this is quite the giveaway!
I've dreamed about something from Citrus Pop for a while. *fingers crossed*
Beautiful stuff!
Love your stuff, so inspiring! And how could I not enter the giveaway. xox
What a great giveaway! Thanks Toni!
I am a follower too
I am a Facebook liker too
Lovely patterns and a great giveaway!
Fabulous giveaway! You have such lovely things, both patterns & Citrus Pop!
I would love some of your patterns and your flowers. Awesome giveaway!!!!!!!!!!
Ok! Well I've already made 9 pairs of your slumber party pj's (big, little and tiny!!) from 3 different patterns, I've made one delicious Up town girl jacket so I think I would choose - downtown boy, wrap skirt, kaftan and maybe . . . Hmmm I just can't decide on the fourth one!! Too many to chose from!!
I love your patterns! I would love to add to my collection! I have been a follower for sometime, I have you book too.
I already "Like" your facebook page. I don't know how to follow your blog, but I do have an RSS feed straight to my email whenever you make a new post. Is that the same thing?
I keep looking at your Shearwater Kaftan, if I was lucky enough to win that would be the first pattern I'd pick.
Good luck everyone!
I love your patterns and have made quite a few of them for both my kids.
I am also a facebook "liker"
I'm a follower and I like your fb page :)
How exciting!! I love your skirt! Thanks for the chance.
I like you on FB
Oh Toni I love your products and your blog thank you for giving me so much joy and inspiration :-)
Love your patterns... Just need more hours in the day to make them.
And I am a facebook liker.
I'm an old fan....Facebook, Flickr and Blog. Love your work Toni!
thanks so much for the chance!
Oh thank you, thank you. I love your patterns and have a couple of little great nieces and nephews to sew for now! :)
I am already a follower of your blog
I "like" your facebook page :) And saw a friend liked it too!
oh wow so many comments already!! can't resist a giveaway!!
I am a long time fan of your blog and citrus pop shop!
Wow awesome prize. Have been following your blog for a couple of months now and just recently joined you on FB as well. Your patterns are awesome and I love reading your blog.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE you stuff. Thanks for a great giveaway! I esp love your patterns!!
And I'm already a Facebook fan too :0)
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