Chocolate Ripple Cake
600ml cream
Beat cream using electric beater until whipped.
Spread a small amount of cream down the center of your serving plate (where you want the log to sit.)
Sandwich biscuits together using thin amounts of cream between each biscuit. Sit biscuit log on top of cream strip on the plate - this cream will help the biscuits stand upright.
When finished making log(s), cover entire log with whipped cream**.
Refrigerate overnight or for at least 4 or 5 hours before serving.
**P.S. I like to make the first covering of cream fairly thin (so you can just see the biscuits underneath) because the cream tends to discolour and look a little tired after soaking into the biscuits overnight. Before serving, I spread a bit more freshly whipped cream over the entire log to freshen it up.
Caramel Apple Ripple Cake

Sliced stewed apple
600ml cream
Beat cream using electric beater until whipped.
Sread a small amount of cream down the center of your serving plate (where you want the log to sit.)
Sandwich biscuits together using a stewed apple between each biscuit. If your apple pieces are too thick, cut them down of squash them flat between each layer. Sit biscuit log on top of cream strip on the plate - this cream will help the biscuits stand upright.
When finished making log(s), cover entire log with whipped cream**.
Refrigerate overnight or for at least 4 or 5 hours before serving.
So bad for the hips delicious on the taste buds.
Luv the idea of apple. I like putting a small amount of mint essence in the cream then flaking a peppermint crisp on top....yummo!!
Haven't tried the apple. That would be yum. I like the chocolate one with a violet crumble or two smashed up in the cream.
we were talking about choc ripple cake tonight! I'll have to try the apple version.
I use choc ripple biscuits and then sandwich them with strawberries
I use choc ripple biscuits and then sandwich them with strawberries
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