Only 4 sleeps to go - I am starting to get excited! So glad that my morning sickness isn''t too bad so that I can actually enjoy the yummy christmas food we have planned for the next week or so! (My favourite at the moment is crackers with butter and cheese - yum!)
This is what Santa thinks of me this year...
"Much more nice than naughty. Can be very thoughtful. Has improved cleanliness, which I like. Could take better care of toys. Says "thankyou" often, but still not as much as I would like. Good mood often spreads to others. Hopefully, will keep up the good work!"
Thanks Santa - you rock!!
Santa had this to say about Oscar:
"Nice, with a few exceptoins. Needs to be nice to everyone, not just friends. Could try a little harder when things are tough. Good sense of humour. Made the list last year. Needs to be good all December."
And this about Jaron:
"Has been nice most of the year (not just Christmas!) Makes others happy. Could share a little more, however. Politeness is sometimes very good. Can be a great listener."
Looks like we're all on track to pressies from Santa....
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