Friday 15 December 2006

Swim Swim Swim

Cade and I took Oscar for a swim yesterday in Aunty Deidre's pool - it was great! So nice and warm. He was a bit unsure for awhile and wouldn't let go of his super strong koala grip on me but we gradually eased him into his little seat and he was having heaps of fun by the end - although he hardly cracked a smile! Daddy missed out on the first swim so we might take him again on the weekend.

Update on bubble...
all is going well. I have been throwing up a bit but not every single day which is great so far. Some days I get heaps done and feel pretty good, but others are rotten. I cherish my afternoon naps when Oscar is sleeping, always makes me feel so much better.

Filipa has been staying with us for the last few nights while she is working out here. It is fantastic - I have a live-in chef, cleaner and nanny - don't go homeFil! Anyone want to fill her spot when she goes?? Pays great!!!


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